Green With Jealousy

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I do not own TMNT! I only own my stories, my ideas, and my characters!

Name: Christy
Looks: Long black hair, pale skin, dark brown eyes.
Outfit: Wears tanktop, legging jeans, converse.
Turtle: Leo

"You sure you want to meet my brothers," a certain red clad turtle questioned as he made his way down from the fire escape.

"Yes, Raph. Your brothers are going to find out eventually what you've been up to, and we might as well beat them to the punch." The brown eyed girl concurred (sha la lalalalalala la! Anyone else know this song?).

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean you have to meet them now. They don't even seem to care that I've been spending so much time outside of the lair recently," the young mutant began to ramble on aimlessly, but Christy had made up her mind. She was going to meet Raphael's family no matter how hard he tried to convince her otherwise. Christy hopped down from the ladder at the side of her apartment building, and began to dust off her hands.

"Sorry, Raph, I made up my mind." The mutant turtle stopped his rambling and sighed to himself, geez, he was beginning to act like Donnie for crying out loud. Donnie, the second youngest of the four, was always one to ramble on aimlessly and get nervous over every little thing. Raph shook his head to clear away his thoughts.

"Fine." He sounded angry, but Christy knew him better than that. Raph wasn't angry at her, he was just frustrated that he couldn't convince her to wait to meet his brothers, after all, she was just as stubborn as he was. Christy brushed the stray strands of her long, black hair out of her face, then proceeded to look up at Raphael with a victorious grin.

"Ok, let's go!" She cheered as she began to march down the alley with excitement. She just couldn't wait to meet his brothers! She was so excited, that she had completely forgotten that she in fact had absolutely no idea where Raphael lived. She froze in her tracks from the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"You're going the wrong way, dummy." Raph mocked.

"Right, I knew that." Christy chuckled to herself as she scratched the back of her head in embarrassment. Raph just rolled his eyes at her.

"Sure you did." Raph turned away from her and began to lead the way to his home. Christy couldn't help but let a grin spread across her cheeks as she began to run after the red clad turtle. This was going to be fun, and she just couldn't wait.


"The sewers? They live in the SEWERS?" Christy screamed to herself. She wrinkled her nose at the thought of four mutant turtles and a rat crawling around the sewer pipes. She mentally slapped herself for being so thoughtless, "no, Raph is your friend, you shouldn't judge him and his family before even meeting them." She took in a deep breath to calm her thoughts, but instantly regretted it as the putrid odor of the sewers invaded her nostrils.

"You ok?" Raphael asked her as soon as she began to cough and gasp for air like a fish out of water.

"Just peachy," she breathed out. Raph just rolled his eyes with a dumb smirk on his face.

"Don't worry, we're almost there." Thank god, she thought to herself. Christy didn't know how much longer she could breath in this stench. Just when she thought she was about to lose consciousness, a light suddenly appeared from beyond the tunnel. Either that meant that she was dying, or they were almost at Raphael's home.

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