I hate cats.

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Chessie would not leave me alone.

"Alright, that's it. I officially hate cats," I announced, raising my hands in defeat.

"Now now, that's not a nice thing to say~" Chessie mused, his violet eyes roaming across the pathway as I stalked down it.

"That's why I said it, you floating lump of annoyingness," I retorted, frowning.

"I'm flattered," he said, flashing mad, a sharp-toothed grin.

"You shouldn't be. That was supposed to be an insult," I said, voice now highly annoyed.

"Anything coming from you, Allegra Dearest is a compliment," he said smoothly, ears flicking back and forth.

"If that's what you wanna think," I grumbled. "Why don't you leave me alone?"

He floated in front of me, making me stop stalking down the pathway, his expression seemed stern for once as he said, "Wonderland is dangerous. A mere human such as you should not go stalking around as if you know the place. You have plenty of enemies, and you don't know it."

I blinked, surprised at how stern and serious he looked and sounded. "Wow- uh...okay then..."

The little grin came back to his face as soon as I agreed. "Alrighty then. Shall we go back?"


"Awe, why not?" He pouted, tail swishing back and forth- it was as if he was amused.

"Because I'm supposed to be annoyed. And mad at you," I replied simply, turning around and starting back.

I heard a giggle, and I looked back.

He was gone.

"Don't worry, Allegra Dearest, I'm not fully gone," his voice came- faint, yet still audible.

I scoffed, and kept walking down the path, back to the treehouse. I was tired.

-   -   -  -

I climbed up the tree, almost falling off once or twice- but made it.

I sighed, and flopped onto the couch, my eyelids now feeling heavy.

Well, I guess that's what a full day of running away from a mad-cat-human does to you.

I laid down on the bed, and closed my eyes.

She was in deep sleep, tired  from everything. Chessie crept closer, staring down at her sleeping face, his expression softening.

"Sleep well, Allegra..." he whispered, and caressed her cheek- soft as a feather.

He quietly crept away, going into the other room, not before looking back at her with a small smile.

What was this feeling? It was something other than the normal everyday madness...

Chessie shrugged it off, dismissing it as if it were a mere fly.

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