The lost have been found

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"Allegra, honey, wake up!"

This's all too familiar to me. My eyes flutter open, and I'm greeted by the familiar sight of my room and my mom calling me from my doorway. "...Mom...?" my voice is scratchy like I haven't drunk water in days.

"Yes, Allegra?" She asked, a soft smile on her face as she had her blue apron on--one she wore on the weekends when making pancakes. "Is something wrong? You look a bit pale," She said worriedly, walking in and placing her cool hand on my forehead.

I'm confused. When did I get home? Where was Chessie? Where was Wonderland? "Y-Yeah, I'm fine," I said, frowning slightly as I got out of bed. 

My mom nodded, smiling again. "Well, make sure to come down when you're ready; I made pancakes!"

I nod slowly, rubbing my forehead. "Alright. Thank you."

What the crap???? 

How in the world did I get home?

Okay. What was the last thing I remembered? 

Falling. Okay, yeah. I fell. And I hit my head, and everything went dark. I remembered that part. The big question was, how did I get home? Questions overwhelmed my brain, and I looked around my room for something. But what? I don't know. I shook my head, headed out of my room, clomped down the steps, and walked into the kitchen. I was greeted by my cat, Skrunkles, who rubbed against my shins, meowing. I crouched down, smiling slightly. "Hey, Skrunkles," I murmured softly, petting her.

"Your pancakes are ready, honey," my mom said, handing me a plate of pancakes. 

I took it, standing up. "Thanks, mom.." I said and walked into the dining room,  sitting down. 

I never realized how much I missed home. The familiar scent of Yankee candles, the doves cooing, my cat purring on my lap, my mom's soft voice and smile, my dad's laughter, pancakes...The view from the dining room windows...

But something didn't feel right. What was it? I put my fork back down on the table, looking around carefully. What didn't feel right? 

Everything. Nothing felt right here...But this is home. Why didn't it feel right? There. The slight narrowing of my mother's eyes as she watched me. My dad's fake crooked smile as he walked in from his workshop. My cat's differently colored eyes- her eyes were amber, not hazel. This wasn't home; this was a carefully crafted world to make it seem like it was home. But it wasn't. I stood up, and my mom froze; my dad watched me intently. 

"Hey, mom? Remember when I first saw snow? That was what...6 years ago? I ran out in my shorts and t-shirt, screeching that it snowed," I said, watching her reaction. 

"Of course, honey, I had to yell at you to come back inside and change into something warm!" She laughed, her eyes crinkling. 

She got that part right. "Mom, that was 9 years ago."

She froze mid-laugh. Creepy. "Why, of course, I apologize. My memory seems to be a bit...laggy, Allegra."

"Last time I remembered, your memory was as good as new," I commented and watched her. I needed to get up to my room. Somewhere away from these two fake parents. 

"Ah, well, things change, honey," She replied, going back to making pancakes for my dad. 

I nodded slowly, inched towards the stairs, and bumped into my dad. "Good morning, Allie," He said with his iconic crooked grin. 

"Morning, Dad," I replied carefully and hopped up onto the first step.

"Where ya going?" He asked, looking over to my untouched plate of pancakes. "You didn't even touch your food!"

"Oh, uh, I forgot to do something before eating," I replied, stepping up to the second stair.

My dad's eyes glinted in the sunlight- and not in a friendly way. "Oh, alright then, Allie. Well, I'll see you when you get back down, okay?" He grinned and walked into the kitchen.

I sighed in relief and raced up the stairs, closing my door, locking it, and pacing in my room. There was a knock on my door. Well, more of a bang of a fist on my door. "Allegra? Come eat with us!"

I froze mid-pace and turned towards the door. "I'll be down in a few minutes, Mom! I forgot something!"

"I said now, Allegra!"

"Mom, a few minutes, please!"


Jesus- what being possessed, my mom??

"I can't right now, mom!" I replied, stepping back from the door- maybe it was a good thing I did so because a second later, the door slammed open, and my mother launched herself at me. Well, it didn't look like my mom anymore. I have no idea what that thing was, actually. 

It screeched and tackled me, and my head hit the ground, and everything went black. 


(Sorry I haven't written in a while! I plan on finishing this story up while I'm on winter break!)

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