Late for this..late for that

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(Kit and y/n in the picture above)

This chapters soundtrack-

(Cleopatra-Slowed-The Lumineers)

(Loop this song since this is a short&sad chapter)

  When I say I ran to the hospital, I mean seriously ran. Fast and furiously, my heart beating fast. The pain I felt from what Robert had done to me didn't even compare to the anxiety I was faced with because of Kit. I'm so worried about her, Kit was all I had. Nobody could have my heart as much as Kit has my heart, she's my world and my entire universe, more than I could ever need. And I'm selfish for ignoring her lately because I was in love. 

I was in love... am I still after all this?

But that's all In the past now I guess, gone with the wind, a quick breeze through of something that could've been a lifetime commitment. Maybe he's just not the person I thought he was. Or maybe I never noticed it. Maybe I was blinded by love. 

I put my suitcase down next to Kit's bed. 

"Hey sis, how are you feeling?" I asked, kneeling down next to her bed. I took her hand in mine. 

"Kit.." She was breathing, why wasn't she answering? 

I figured she was asleep, so I tried waking her up, 

"hello? Kit?" I waved my hand in-front of her. 

She didn't flinch. 

"Kit." I said, helplessly, falling to my knees beside her bed.

The doctors rushed in, I'll never forget that moment. When they all crowded around her, in that small little wood cabin looking hospital. 

The one doctor tapped me on the shoulder. 

" We don't have all the medicine we need for our patients because of the medicine donated to the men in the war, but there's current brain-inactivity with your sister and I'm afraid she's going to be in a coma for awhile."

"How long is a while?" I asked.

"We don't know, but there's some other news you may want to sit down for."

"What news? About Kit?"

"No, y/n, your mother died from alcohol poisoning this afternoon."

I fainted, right then and there. In the middle of that hospital room, and when I woke up, I was laying in a bed next to Kit. And there was a woman standing in-front of me, no other than Susan.


She looked rather upset. 

"Hey y/n, are you alright."

"Why do you even care."

"I feel really awful, I talked to Robert and he's really fucking upset."

"What did you sleep with him again?"

"No I actually never slept with him, I tried too though. And I'm really sorry this tore you two apart."

"We're just in a fight, it's okay."

"No, he's on the way to the train station to South Carolina for battle, he said that since you were gone he had nothing to stay here or even live for."

She rolled her eyes.

"You came all the way here to tell me that?"

"Well I feel awful, and you know what they say, love can make you do crazy things. And so can guilt, so I paid for a carriage to take you to the train station to catch him before he leaves. If not you may never see him again y/n."

I quickly got up, she helped me grab my suitcase while I put a dress on that I had packed. I chose a tan casual dress and a black velvet jacket. Susan and I rushed out of the hospital, while Kit laid there unconscious and helpless. 

And off we went, the carriage sped off, and the horses ran fast. And sooner or later, there was the train station, and a huge crowd of people.  

Was I too late...?

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