Part 2: Sheep

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As soon as I got some clothes I certainly felt a lot better, I was walking around camp. "Wow he really did this much already..?" I said mumbling and walking until I spotted senku he was working on something, playing with rocks from the purification "Senku.." I said quietly, walking over to him.

"Huh?" He took a quick glance at me before looking back at the stone.. was it a bird..? "What is it Y/N?"

I stopped right behind him and started looking at the stone as well, Sort of fascinated. "Why did we just wake up now. And why were me and you the only ones to wake up?" I shook my head, trying to think of possible outcomes

"Oh. Did I tell you? Above where we both broke out at.. we were in a cave. It was producing nitric acid, corroding the stone around us. That's why we woke up first." Senku said explaining the best he could so that I could understand. I wasn't stupid, but I wasn't as smart as Senku either. Just.. average.

I sighed "then does that mean that no one else will wake up for the time being?" I was kind of worried, what about everyone? I didn't really have any friends. Except for yuzu ... I almost ran back into the forest to find her myself when I just barely stopped myself "wait.. Senku.. what about yuzuriha? And what's his name.. Taiju!" I remembered he was confessing to her so they should be close together.

Senku finally stopped toying with the stone and looked over at me, smirking "I've already got that covered. Just trust me." He said with this evil look on his face. I don't know if I should trust him.. for run away as fast as possible.

I slowly nodded despite that. The final bit of my rationale going down the drain. "Well.. I suppose I will go try to find us some food.." I started to nod as in the corner of my eye I saw Senku watching me as I left.


It's been quite some time since I've broken free, I'm not too good with keeping track of days so I don't know if I'm right.. but it's been around 4 months. Me and senku don't talk all that much, except for the occasional question I didn't really know how to interact with him. As much I wanted to deadpan my self in the face. I somehow got the will to keep moving on. That was until tonight. I didn't know it would end up this way, but I definitely wanted to mentally high five myself in the face.

"Senku, why are you trying to hard? Don't you feel like giving up sometimes?" I questioned senku, who was silent while tending to the fire

"Not even one millimeter." He said, I could see the fire highlight all of his features. Senku was quite the attractive man.

"Really? That's more amazing than I think I've heard anything you say." I almost smiled to myself, he was very passionate

"Huhhhh?" He had this stupid look on his fave while talking to me "have you not been listening to me for the past 4 months together? I'm sure I've said something completely more amazing." He said smirking at me, I think he was teasing me

"All I've heard was nonsense." I smiled a little, something I didn't do often, it made senkus smirk face away as he stared at me.

"Hmm Y/N you should smile more. Really brings out your best features." Senku said as if he was stating a fact not the slightest bit embarrassed

As for me though, my face turned a tint of pink. I just hoped that it wasn't as visible through the fire. I stood up, my hands at my side "well.. your not so bad yourself." I started to walk away before I could see his face or he could talk to me. 'Why did I say that? Idiot.' I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. But for now.. let's just get some rest.

I didn't know how much time had passed. But soon enough Taiju joined us. Making things the slightest bit less awkward between me and Senku. I didn't exactly know when he join us. I assume the day I heard screaming outside of the camp

"AHHHHH!! oh, Senku! Your alive too?!" I couldn't mistake that voice. How was he still so loud after 3700 years..?

I mentally took a note 'good morning taiju.' I said slightly smiling, it was nice to have other people around

"Don't you dare hug me while your butt naked!!" I heard Senku scream "hands off! I'm not joking!" I could hear senku screaming and taiju.. crying? Well I suppose our feelings get the best of us sometimes. The next thing I remember is taiju coming into the camp and trying to hug me as well..

"Taiju! Your naked! Get away from Y/N!!" Senku screamed trying his best to pull him back

"It's fine Senku, I'm sure he's just happy to see you." I looked at taiju and took his hand "I don't believe we've met. I'm Y/N."

He shook my hand, I swear if I wasn't holding onto him I would've been flung throughout the air "nice to meet you Y/N!" He said with a smile and I cannot stress how loud he is. I think my ears have gotten more sensitive from trying to listen to senku all the time.

Senku put one hand behind his neck, sighing "it's October fifth, in the year 5738." Senku smiled "you really slept in for a hell of a long time. Me and Y/N have been up and diligently working our tails off, For the last six months."

I butted in the conversation "I've been awake for around 4 months, Senku woke up before me."

"Hold on. So it's been, like.." taiju started to count with his fingers.. like he couldn't just ask

Senku chimed in "it has been 3700 years."

Taiju sort of gasps "how'd you know what say it is? Do you have some sort of calendar?"

"Huh? I figured it out by counting. It was the logical thing to do." This again.. he said it so nonchalantly! Taiju had this look on his face. He was obviously impressed.

We were walking back at this point.

"So this whole time you were frozen, you just, counted?" Taiju was asking the important questions. How can someone even count for that long

"Even if I had willed myself awake before then. Being out here stark naked with no supplies in winter, that means game over pretty quickly. So that means I would have to start in the springtime. I kept a pretty precise account of the time was an absolute must." Senku was speaking all this nonsense with no expression on his face

"Huh then, what did you do Y/N?" Taiju backtracked. Remembering another person was here

"Me? Oh I.." I screamed internally, it was embarrassing "I counted sheep." I simply stated, it wasn't as interesting as Senku but that is what I did. "I ending up getting to.. 1,944,720,000." I said answering his question

Taiju and Senku kind of just stopped and looked at me "huh? So you just did the same thing as Senku? But with sheep?" Taiju felt like the only one left out

"What? Well I guess I'd never thought about that before.." I said looking down at the group

Senku smirked "id expect nothing less from someone like you Y/N." Senku turned around and continued to walk, which I was happy about.

I'm glad they couldn't see the stupid blush on my face as I tried to catch up to them.. I was screwed.

Word count: 1300

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