Part 10: Tsukasa Empire

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"Tsukasa." I said angrily looking at him, he turned to look at me as I said his name

"Y/N.." Tsukasa smiled at me, he didn't seem to care about me being angry, it was like he expected it "how are yo-"

I interrupted him by slapping him across the face, he didn't move, he didn't even try to dodge. I know that he could've dodged it, for some reason this just made me more upset, I kept hitting him over and over again, the entire time I was holding back tears. He didn't say anything to me. 10 minutes later he still hadn't budged, I was out of breath though.

"You feel better now?" Tsukasa asked in a low voice, trying not to invoke anger again

"Feel better?" I asked in a broken tone, I looked up at him, I was angry, not just angry. I was completely furious. "You killed him!" I sobbed out, my emotions finally getting the better of me "how could you?!" I asked after a little

"I had to. Senku is too dangerous to be left alone." Tsukasa explained quietly, quickly changing the subject "you were asleep for a couple days, I was starting to get worried."

I almost hit him again "your not allowed to be worried about me." Sudden my face went pale "what about Taiju? Yuzuriha? Are they okay? Did you kill them too?" I said the last part quietly, like I didn't want to believe it if they were truly dead

Tsukasa shook his head "no. They are in the empire, Alive and well."

I gave a sigh of relief, then wiped my eyes, not wanting to cry anymore "the empire?" I finally said

"Yes." Tsukasa had waited patiently "we've already revived some people. And are making advances."

I scoffed "I don't care." I tried to stand up but got sat down again by Tsukasa "what? Im going to see Taiju and Yuzuriha. Im sure they are worried about me."

"Im afraid I can't let you Y/N." Tsukasa sighed "you've been in a unstable condition since Senku died."

I almost laughed "unstable? Are you serious? Im fine now." I glared at him "and he didn't die. He was killed, By you."

"It doesn't matter if you feel okay. You'll stay by my side until I say so" Tsukasa said, he had this look of worry on his face.. it was utterly disgusting.

"I would rather die." I said completely serious, showing no remorse in my face, and no empathy for his worry "leave me alone." I simply said, turning the other way

"Sorry Y/N" was all I heard Tsukasa say before I was picked up again, and put over his shoulder

"Hey!" I hit him and tried my best to kick him, he had a hold on my legs "let me down! You ******! *******. Can't believe I ever trusted your *******." I saw as some people watched me throwing cusses at their leader, I didn't care, Tsukasa didn't seem to care either "******* *******" we seemed to be walking somewhere, i didn't know where. I didn't care where, what I did care about was getting tf down from Tsukasa

"Now calm down Y/N, it's fine." Tsukasa said repeatedly to me through my yelling at him


It was about 5 minutes later whenever we arrived somewhere. It was like a cave type thing, in the middle being a throne, I didn't realize this until I was sat down on it. Tsukasa still standing up

"You can sit there, just relax." Tsukasa said turning away from me

Hahaha he was so funny! Relax? Haha.. then I saw someone enter the room. I couldn't quite see there face, they were scared of Tsukasa, I could see that much.

I laughed, it caused Tsukasa and whoever he was talking to, to turn to me, I could finally see the person he was talking to. I recognized him from a magazine I used to read Gen azagiri. A magician of sorts "I'll kill you Tsukasa.." I said ignoring Gen for now, standing up and finally starting to run away, I was going to find Yuzuriha if it was the last thing I'd do.

"Y/N!" I could hear Tsukasa scream, I kept running

How many days have I really been out? I couldn't have been out for that long. But so many people were revived. More than 20 I think. How was I kept alive? I was still running whenever I bumped into someone "ow.. sorry.." I said looking down

"Y/N?" I recognized that voice, I looked up and saw Taiju, he was crying.. haha..

"Taiju!" I said almost smiling, Taiju hugged me tightly, "Taiju.. too much! My whole body is gonna be crushed!" I said trying to push Taiju away

"Y/N!" Taiju said letting go of me "your alive!"

"Huh? Of course im alive. Why wouldn't I be?" I said rubbing my arm

"Yuzuriha.." taiju said no explanation at all, and then just grabbed my hand and dragged me along "we need to go see Yuzuriha! She'll be so happy to see you!" He shouted

I was dragged along by Taiju for a while, until we reached a small little hut, it was up against a cave..

"Yuzuriha!!!" Taiju yelled out, glad to see he was still himself. Even after..

my mind wandered until I saw Yuzuriha, I swear I could've broken down crying. Yuzuriha beat me to it though. Hugging me tightly as she cried, all I could do was hug her back. If I hadn't cried so much earlier I might've cried with her

"You alive Y/N.." Yuzuriha finally said after a while "you've been out for a couple weeks!"

"Huh?" I was confused, a couple weeks... then how was I alive? "Wait how am I alive? What about food and water?" I asked looking at Yuzuriha

"Tsukasa made sure you got food and water, he took care of you while unconscious." She answered me smiling a little, then she frowned "He wouldn't allow us to see you though. How long have you been awake?"

"A couple hours at most.." I sighed, and then looked Yuzuriha in the eyes "what about Senku..? Where is he buried..?" I asked quietly, it was the thing I was most concerned about

"Oh! About that Y/N he's-" Taiju was interrupted by Yuzuriha covering his mouth and pulling us both inside

She seemed nervous, but happy.

"Actually Y/N.." Yuzuriha started to explain everything that happened afterwards


"Senku.. he's alive?" I almost jumped for joy. Of course he's alive. Why did I doubt him?

Word count: 1094

Shorter than usual! Haha

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