Part NOTHING: her in their eyes (just who she has met sofar.)

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I stared at gen as he was thinking of a way to talk about Senku while not alerting Tsukasas men, I couldn't help but smile. Maybe he isn't so bad.

Recap ^ (nothing to do with this chapter but whatever 😗🙌🏻)


She was.. always a constant in my vision of sight. Always asking things curiously with none to little emotion on her face. At first it was a nuisance. But, the second I saw her face light up the first time from completing an experiment all on her own. It kind of reminded me of.. myself. I was curious at first. She always seemed to be where I just happened to be looking. Then I wasn't curious anymore...

It's like I knew everything I needed to know about her, but, I wanted to be someone she knew about as well.



She caught my eye immediately, it seemed that she didn't want to be here, but her eyes seemed to light up whenever she did something on her own, or whenever she was of any use. The innocence of her made me want it for myself. I wanted her. And I would do whatever she wanted if it meant that I could have her. It seemed that I was infatuated with her, perhaps because she smiled at me. I don't know what caused me to fall so deeply, but part of it, was definitely her smile.

I wanted her smile.



Pretty funny at first! I could tease her all I wanted and she would give me any reaction I expected. But, soon enough she started giving me reactions I didn't expect, she started to figure me out. And fast. She saw through me, I mean, I could see through her as well. But she saw through me! At first I was amazed with the information that she understood, and then I was upset. Not with her, but with myself. I couldn't understand why I was upset with myself, I honestly might never figure it out. But whenever I see her, all I know is that it gets a little easier to breath.

I might show myself to her a bit more.



It was almost like she wasn't there. Her heartbeat somehow was quiet, her voice barely came out, her breathing was slow and shallow. I was scared. Of her. I was definitely afraid at her, but not of what she could do, I was scared she would wither away. As the days passed, her heartbeat seemed to get louder, her voice seemed to come out more. Her breath.. it's the only thing that didn't change. Like she had trained herself to hide away, to conceal her presence. To make herself invisible.

I made sure I was always able to hear her breathing.



My younger sister. If you couldn't guess! I was the favorite child. Charismatic and optimistic. Adults loved me. Well I'm not going to be modest. Everyone loved me! The only person I couldn't get to love me was her. My precious precious younger sister. She was quiet when I was around, I only heard through *{>]£!] how she was doing. It was the only time of the day I could breath knowing that she was okay. I'm not sure why I was always so worried about her, maybe because I felt she would disappear any moment I took my eyes off her... and then she did. I was told she ran away, at the age of 12. As her older brother I felt it was my responsibility to find her! But I was stopped. My father offered to search for her. I could breath knowing that he would find her..

It wasn't until a couple of years later that I realized. She ran away from him. And the eyes that looked at me with resentment, those were for our father the whole time.


🥦-Senku obviously

💪🏻-Tsukasa (strong man)

🤦‍♂️🎤-our favorite mentalist


??- our older brother 💲

It's totally been a while since I've wrote, uhmmmm- I actually have a chapter I want to post, but it's completely off track lolol! It would be way ahead in the future and it's something I just wrote when I was bored and watching dr stone 😚 I only write as fun, I mean it's been fun! But I've been busy with learning to drive. Promise I'll try (maybe) to write more! 😚😚

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