Part 5: Incredible? Who?

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The next thing I remember hearing is everyone introducing themselves

"Anyway. I'm shishio Tsukasa just call me Tsukasa." I heard Tsukasa say it was a warm voice still

"I suppose family names don't really mean much in this world. I'm Senku. The brainy one behind our scientific advancements." Senku said in a monotone voice "taiju, the simple one handles all of the grunt work."

"I'm Taiju. The simple one." I knew that it was Taiju saying it.. but it was still funny to hear him say it so seriously. "It's true. Senku does do most of the thinking around here."

I groaned not wanting to be rude, and sat up, fluttering my eyes open and looking at Tsukasa, I was on the ground in a makeshift sleeping bag. I put my hand on my forehead, I had a pounding headache "I'm.. Nanami Y/N.." I said looking up at Tsukasa, he looked surprised for some reason "you can just call me Y/N though." I had a cold tone, I didn't feel like putting up and act right now. My head was pounding too much

Senku walked over to me and sighed "what will we do with you Y/N?"

Tsukasa suddenly snapped out of it, hearing Senku talk "what have you been surviving on?" Tsukasa asked with a small chuckle

"Mostly wild greens and mushrooms. And the occasional rabbit." Senku explained quickly, checking my temperature with his hand and pushing me back down into the sleeping bag

"Oh man, lately I've been dreaming about eating so much meat my belly explodes." Taiju said with a laugh

"Well, you three won't have to survive on just that anymore. I'm here now." Tsukasa said

he kind of sounded like a superhero. But that didn't quite sound right to me.. not a hero.. but..I was pulled out of my thoughts as Taiju looked over at me, while senku was chewing me out. I had learned to ignore him after some time

"Are you okay Y/N? You fainted back there." Taiju spoke up quite loudly

I sighed a little "my bad.." i mumbled "I just wasn't use to such dangerous situations." I was still speaking in a cold tone, I usually would speak quite warming with them. I hadn't even noticed it myself until..

"You sure your okay? You sound dead to the world." Taiju said, obviously worried about me

I quickly freaked out, shit I didn't mean to speak like that. "Hahaha" I laughed out nervously, sitting up, my head actually felt a lot better now. What was Senku. Magic? "Sorry just still in shock!" I said in a warmer tone. I was the master at this tone. Switching up so quickly was suspicious though, senku raised and eyebrow but decided not to say anything about it.

And just like that, a while past by. Tsukasa kept his word and hunted so much meat. I thought Taiju's stomach would Actually explode

"Ah I get it!" Taiju said seeing if he figured out something "so if we just go ahead and cook the food, we won't need a fridge to keep it in."

"I'm not cooking these fish. I'm using the aldehydes in the smoke to kill the microbes." Senku simply states, Taiju looked over to me for answers

"He's smoking them." I simply said with a smile

"With me and senku working together, we should have plenty of preserved food." Tsukasa said with his arms at his hip

Senku cracked his neck "so we can take the first step to civilization now."

"So we're still on step zero?!" Taiju yelled out very loudly, like always.

My eyes wandered over to Tsukasa "huh? Hey what's wrong?" I spoke out to him

He didn't respond, instead he yelled, almost as loud as Taiju. And then spilt the rock he was looking at in half, everyone was surprised. There in the mists of the rubble was a stone body. A women. Tsukasa picked her up.

I saw Taiju gasp

"Sorry if I startled you." He said leaning the girl on another rock "just noticed this person hurried under that rock."

Taiju was excited "I said he was a solid dud. Didn't I?"

Senku just chuckled "its like having a superhero on our team. Huh?"

I looked at Tsukasa "ah.. superhero.." i mumbled out "those words just don't suit him." I said, ignoring the state Tsukasa would give me, I decided to head back into camp first. Leaving the boys to discuss whatever they needed to, Someone joined me after a while. It was our newest member.


"Y/N?" I heard Tsukasa say my name as he climbed in the tree

I turned around just in time to see him sit down a little ways behind me "yes? What do you need Tsukasa?" He looked serious, I was kind of nervous

"Who are you really?" Tsukasa asked, completely in seriousness. I was a little confused

"What do you mean? I'm Y/N?" I stated my name again, i wasn't lying

"No I mean.. do you have training of anywhere? Any type of training." Tsukasa seemed adamant about figuring this out

I had to think for a second. "Of course I have, I've been to school." I continued, ignoring the look on Tsukasas face "I did have some experience in business when I was younger though."

"No. That's not what I mean. I mean in fighting." Tsukasa started "sometimes whenever I walk into a room I can't even feel you in it, I only notice you whenever you talk." Tsukasa continued on rambling

It wasn't the first time I was having this conversation. I once had it with my older brother as well. And many other people. My father, my mother. Too many people to count. They all called me creepy.. I was preparing for Tsukasa to do the same, a slight smile on my face to mask my true feelings

"It's really incredible!" Tsukasa remarked

I instantly lost the smile on my face "eh?" I was a little confused 'incredible? Really? Me?' Safe to say I was a little shocked. I've never had someone react like this before.

"What? I'm not lying. It's really incredible. It surprises me every time. You must have some real skill." Tsukasa said, from the look on his face I could tell he was serious

"What??" I question him, with my eyes wide open trying to comprehend what he was saying "incredible..?" My face turned red, I wasn't use to receiving compliments like this.

Word count: 1088

This chapter is a little shorter than the rest! I wanted to leave some people at the edge of there seats. It's really fun wring this! I'm already drafting the next part!.. 1121 now. Lol

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