Part 12: your eyes are my favorite color

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"Y/N." Tsukasa said as I was held back by two
of his warriors, blocking the only exits as Tsukasa and two others stood in front of me "I understand your upset but that isn't any reason to make yourself sick."

For some background information, I wasn't sick. For the past couple weeks I have been training, it started out with stamina- well.. it's still on stamina.. I'm terrible at everything involving that. I'm just a lot more tired lately.

"I'm not sick Tsukasa" I said staring him in the eyes, he had a genuine look of worry on his face. That just disgusted me even more.

Tsukasa stood up from his throne and walked over to me, a hand placed on my shoulder as he smiled at me "if you need anything done for you, you can just ask."

"I don't want anything from you." I pushed him away from me,

a man with white hair and a mask on appeared beside me, his spear near my neck as he spoke "now don't be rude." His eyes were closed, but I could tell his was smiling under his mask

Tsukasa swiped the spear away, causing a look of shock on the man's face, and the faces of everyone in the room "don't point that at her, hoyoga." Tsukasa said sternly, not sparing the man a glance

Hyoga picked back up his spear and nodded slightly "yes, sorry Tsukasa." He said before angrily walking out of the room, the Guard's letting his pass by with no hesitation

I started walking out as well, blocked by the guards, i grit my teeth as I looked over at Tsukasa who was smiling at me

"Now now Y/N.. I just want to talk, I have someone to watch over you and-" Tsukasa said with a smile, almost gesturing to the man who wore all yellow with a yellow hat

"I don't need someone to watch me, I'm not a child." I stated, effectively cutting off his words

Tsukasa's smile dropped, his whole demeanor changed "I think you've forgotten Y/N. I'm the leader here." He said staring me down before once again gesturing to the man "this is Ukyo. He'll watch over you whether you like it or not." Tsukasa said before waving his hand, the guards moving away to let me pass

I looked at the man, he was probably strong and useful if Tsukasa was assigning him to watch me, but it was a shame that he was entangled with Tsukasa. That just made me hate him as well. I scoffed at the man as I walked out of the cave, soon followed by the man silently walking behind me

I tried my best to ignore him, I just walked into the forest as I did any other day, and started running. I ran as fast as I could, I knew that it wouldn't help with my stamina. But I was so angry.


After 10 minutes of running I felt so much better, is this why people run whenever they don't feel well? Well anyways... I looked around to see if the guy was still following me. I didn't see him..

"What the.. he's wearing yellow.. should be easy to find him.." i mumbled to myself, continuing to look around

"Oh, I'm above you, Y/N." I heard I voice above me speak

As I looked up at saw him- Ukyo.. that was his name right? He was wearing yellow everything.. with white hair.. he had a bow and arrows attached to his back as he smiled down at me

"Running at full speed for 10 minutes? I heard from Tsukasa that you were weak.." Ukyo said while looking down at me

"Ha?" I was annoyed, so what if that man Called me weak? "Like I care about what a murderer says." I spoke proudly, I knew what I believed in, and even if he didn't kill Senku- he had still broken so many statues.

That response garnered a wide eyed look from Ukyo, he jumped down from the tree, standing in front of me, he was a little taller than me.. he still had to look down slightly when talking to me "your really brave, for saying that." Ukyo said, pulling out his bow, loading it with an arrow

I stumbled back, was he seriously about to kill me? I knew he was the same! "If you touch me-" I started out

Sudden he shot the bow up in the air, not more than a minute later a bird landed a couple feet away from us, I looked at Ukyo only to see him smiling at me "your a lot braver than me." He said before picking up the bird

"What..? What do you mean by that?" While watching him pick up the bird I realized- he wasn't smiling anymore. He had killed the bird- and even I didn't think it was that wrong, for food.. you had to kill animals.

"I hate killing." He said turning to look at me "but I don't want to die."

This shocked me, he hated killing.. he doesn't wanna die.. "what? Is Tsukasa threatening people now? What kind of power hungry trip is he on???"

Ukyos eyes went wide as he laughed at my words "no wonder Tsukasa likes you." He said hunched over from laughing still, what did he find so funny?

"Likes me?" The thought that Tsukasa liked me did cross my mind, but I shoved it off because the mere thought of that disgusted me "wait. You hate killing? But your working with Tsukasa?" I gritted my teeth "don't you know what he does?"

"I do." Ukyo had stopped laughing at that remark, he stared straight into my E/C eyes as he spoke "that's why your strong, and I'm weak." He said with a slight smile

My face went red, "what?" I said covering my face with my hand, why was this man so.. honest???

"I Your eyes.. they're my favorite color. So beautiful.." Ukyo said with a smile, leaning in closer to me, I immediately made the distance wide again, wanting to run from this moment..

Word count: 1032 :)

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