Part 11: Senku's news + a meeting with a mentalist

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I should probably mention that I love Gen, like I'm in love with him. Along with a lot of the other characters.. so.. I'm sorry..

I almost grabbed Yuzuriha by the shoulders, begging for a clearer answer. "He's really alive..?" I looked over at Taijus face, he was smiling. That's how I knew that he actually was. "Then we should go see him! Where is he?" I quickly questioned her

"I'm sorry Y/N.. he told us not to tell you." She said sadly, looking at me with a frown "he knew that you'd rush after him."

"What??? That's.." I bit my bottom lip, I mean he was right.. but.. "then what do I do? Just.. wait?"

Yuzuriha shook her head "He needs information, Tsukasa doesn't trust me or Taiju. But he has this weird obsession with you." She placed her hands on my shoulder, a somber look on her face "I'm sorry to ask this of you, Y/N. But will you help spy on Tsukasa with us? Your a valuable member of our team."

I was taken aback. "Well.." I didn't know what to say, of course I wanted to help but.. I would have to see that man again.. "yeah.." I finally answered "I'll help. Don't you worry Yuzuriha. And this time.. I'll protect you guys." I said firmly, looking into her eye. I could tell she was surprised

Then she smiled at me "You've changed Y/N."

"Huh?" I wanted to question her further, ask her what she meant by that. When I suddenly heard a voice behind me

"Y/N?" I turned around to see.. Gen?

"Huh? What do you want?" I questioned him, I obviously didn't know or talk to him. All I knew was that he appeared on T.V a couple times

"Tsukasa called for you." He smiled. closing his eyes while talking "we'd better go."

I stared at him for a little, before following him, not before saying goodbye to Taiju and Yuzuriha.

"So Y/N.. you know Tsukasa then?" Gen said while walking, not looking back at me as I was following him from behind

I flinched at his question, and I remembered that he was there for my little.. tantrum.. "yes, I guess so. I've known him for around 2-3 months."

"Wooow!" Gen seemed to smile at that "So he resurrected you first?"

I stopped, Gen seems to notice this and soon stopped walking as well. Staring at me with a smile on his face.

"No, Tsukasa didn't revive me." I said, finally looking up to meet gens eyes, for the first time he flinched, and seemed to ignore my gaze "where are we actually going?"

"What??" Gen seemed surprised at my question, quickly regaining his smile and closing his eyes "were.. going to Tsukasa! Like I said. He called for you."

I frowned at this "no he didn't. Your lying." I quickly pointed out. I may not be very good at reading emotions yet. But I knew when someone was lying.

Gen quickly changed his demeanor, it honestly surprised me with how fast he switched up "how'd you know?" He said, finally staring into my eyes, not looking away

"Your eyes, you close them. Whenever you lie." I said staring right back at him, my E/C staring straight into his black ones

"Well.." he looked like he was impressed and even satisfied with that answer "seems like you know a liar whenever you see one."

I sighed "I just grew up around people who lied a lot." I said finally breaking eye contact "you seem like a curious guy."

"Hmmm.. well, I just wanted to see the women who said she was going to kill Tsukasa.. the strongest high school primate." Gen seemed like he was telling the truth. Something I appreciated

"Well." I clenched my fist, I did say that. But I still didn't know how I was going to do it. And I only said that because I thought Senku was dead. "I'm not so sure anymore." I didn't see any point in lying to him, he didn't seem too fond of Tsukasa either

"Imagine my surprise whenever Tsukasas face was like! Awww.. he really looked like a puppy!" Gen joked, back to his normal self, talking while moving his hands around a whole bunch

"A.. puppy.." I stared at him in disbelief, I guess he did look like that sometimes..

"Yep! He was so sad! I was surprised to see he got his feelings hurt!" Gen smiled "especially by a women who could barely walk! Let alone run." He put his sleeve up to his mouth while talking

"I had just woken up." I said, slightly irritated at his words "I'll get stronger." I had stated "stronger than you or Tsukasa."

Gens eyes went wide "well, I can say for certain that I think I'm in love with you." He said, I couldn't understand his expression.. I just knew I wanted to hit him.

I raised up my fist, ready to punch him "what..?" I looked into his eyes, clearly irritated

He seemed to understand and began flailing his arms around "no no! Just kidding!" He looked at me with a scared expression "I definitely can not hit a women. Especially one that Tsukasa likes!" He mumbled that last part, but I definitely heard him

I punched him, in the gut. I wasn't very strong but, I knew it at least hurt a little, I stared at him as he hunched over holding his stomach in pain. I was a little happy, maybe I was stronger than I thought!

"Ugh.." I could hear him groaning "your strong for a little thing.." He just didn't know when to stop

"I'll hit you again." I said looking down at him as he quickly protested

"No no! Just hear me out!" Gen was frantically trying to come up with something to say "it's about Senku!"

I stopped dead in my tracks, how did he know about Senku? "What?"

Gen took this chance and rolled with it "Tsukasa woke me up so that I could see if Senku was really dead." He didn't look like he was lying.

"So? Senku.." I looked down, remembering what happened a couple of weeks ago. But just a couple hours for me.

"And I found him." Gen quickly said

I lifted my head up, my eyes quickly lit up "you did..?" It took me a second to process this information "wait.. what about Tsukasa? Does he know?" I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close to me

"No no! I'm with the science kingdom!" Gen said looking at me "promise!"

I raised an eyebrow "and why would that be? Your with Senku? Why?" I didn't believe him, why betray Tsukasa?

"For some cola!" Gen said, looking away from me, he didn't look like he was lying.. but he did look slightly embarrassed

"Cola..?" I stared, almost in disbelief as he turned his gaze away from mine

Word count: 1143

The first 9 chapters were all in the anime! Besides ya know.. Y/N. It's taking me a lot longer to put up these chapters, but I'm so excited for the freedom! I love it so much. Thanks for being patient <3

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