Part 13: He isnt so bad

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"I Your eyes.. they're my favorite color. So beautiful.." Ukyo said with a smile, leaning in closer to me, I immediately made the distance wide again, wanting to run from this moment..

Recap ^

"Huh??" I was completely confused, why was this man complimenting me? I had one of my hands covering my face, and the other was holding onto a tree. I had backed up quite a bit from ukyo now.

"You heard me, they're really pretty." Ukyo said with a shrug, he wasn't smiling anymore. But he looked completely serious

"Haha.. you said your a coward.." I stuttered out, not able to think of a response to him

Ukyo frowned at that "your Y/N right? Tsukasa mentioned you to me and Hyoga." He changed the subject

"Yeah? Who is Hyoga?" Why was he suddenly bringing up random people?

"Oh.. the guy with white hair, and the spear." Ukyo explained "the one who threatened you?"

I shuddered at the memory "yeah yeah." I mumbled, that guy was obviously the same type of person at Tsukasa.

"Tsukasa told us to treat you well, so I'm sure hyoga was disciplined from that experience." I think I could see a smile on Ukyos face as he said that

"Really now.." I rolled my eyes "Wow I hope you guys treat me soooo well.. I'm SUCH a VITAL member to this amazing society." I said sarcastically

Now I'm certain I could see a smile on Ukyos face "well, you've caught Tsukasas attention. That's for sure."

I groaned and squatted to the ground, my hands in my face "that's not the person I want attention from!" (It's you I want attention from 🫦🫦)

I heard nothing for a while, only the breeze as I sat there. Soon enough I looked up, That guy was gone now.. amazing.. I looked around trying to spot him, he was a sneaking bastard.

"Y/N." I heard from straight above me, I'm sure he internally laughed at me whenever I screamed "scare you again?"

"Yes! You asshole!" I shouted while looking at him, that bastard didn't have a single look of guilt on his face..

Ukyo must've noticed I was mad.. or he just felt bad "sorry, Y/N."

I sighed "don't do that again." (Spoiler: he did in fact do that again.)

"Y/N!! Where are you??" I heard a voice call for me, I turned around, but couldn't see anyone

"It's Gen. He must need you for something." Ukyo said nonchalantly

"Huh? How do you.." I was surprised he knew who it was, to me it just sounded like some random guy yelling my name

"Oh. I have good ears." I could see him smile while saying that

"Yes well.." i mumbled and started walking/running to where gens voice was



Oww.. that hurt.. I looked up while rubbing my head to see someone. What was his name again.. oh yeah.. hyoga..?

"Hm?" Even though I was in the ground from running into him. He looked like he didn't move an inch from where he was standing "a rush to get somewhere?" His voice was cold, I could immediately feel danger from him

"Oh.. uhm." I cleared my throat and stood up before I spoke, if I was intimidated by him. How would I ever defeat Tsukasa? "I'm going to gen."

His eyes narrowed, I could tell he was confused by me stuttering and then immediately going back to speaking clearly "yes? Gen? Well I did hear him.." He trailed off while talking

"Haha.." I laughed nervously "well.. I should.. go to him then! He must be around here somewhere." I said quickly before trying to escape from his eyes, it felt like he was staring down at a pebble on the road

I felt him grab my wrist "Y/N.. is it?" He didn't give me a chance to answer him before he spoke again "where Ukyo? He's supposed to be following you. Is he not?"

I pulled my wrist away from him, luckily he wasn't holding on that hard. "He must be around here." I said frowning, I didn't like him touching me, especially since he's just like Tsukasa. "Now I have to go." I started to walk away from him

"Your interesting Y/N. I'll see you around." I turned around to protest, but he was already walking away, I didn't see any use in protesting any further.

I sighed and started walking to where I heard gen earlier again, why if- all people did that maniac have to take an interest in me.. I continued mumbling until I heard my name again

"Y/N! Found you." Gen said walking over to me "I seriously couldn't find you anywhere!" I looked up at him to see a small pout

"Shud upppp" I said frowning at him

his pout immediately turned into a look of hurt he put his hand on his chest and fake cried "wow, Y/N. How could you say that to me? Now, I'll just withhold the information I had about a certain someone!" He said crossing his arms, looking away from me

I immediately changed my tone "hm?" I perked up and looked at Gen, I mean really looked at him "huh?" Immediately being distracted is a thing of mine "are you hurt?? What happened??" I started to examine him, I wasn't an expert but his face was all beat up and his cloths were messy, I checked again and again until I was satisfied that he was in fact okay

"Just a little scuffle with the villagers." Gen said smiling, he was so painfully obvious that he was enjoying my worrying about him

"A little scuffle?!" I said wide eyed "and your okay?"

Gen hummed "yep! Good as new. Though it did hurt like hell for a while there."

I sighed, I was relieved, after all- he was my only window to see how senku was doing, and that's all I thought of him.. right?

"Anyways, senku really is amazing." Gen started "he's already created light in this stone world!"

I smiled, it was nice hearing about how he was doing, then I remembered. "Wait- shhhh!" I put a finger up to his lip, hushing him and listening for a second.

Gen seemed super confused as he moved my finger away from him and spoke "what?"

I groaned "I totally forgot! Ukyo is following me.. tsukasa sent him to 'keep and eye on me.' He has like super hearing or something!" I said waving my arms around, even I think I was being a little dramatic

"Oh, that guy?" Gen pondered for a minute "yeah I guess that would prove to be an issue." He frowned

I stared at gen as he was thinking of a way to talk about Senku while not alerting Tsukasas men, I couldn't help but smile. Maybe he isn't so bad.

Word count: 1150

Sorry for late chapter! Been super busy with my drivers ed and I'm flying to another state soon!

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