Chapter 1, Thanks to this meme ^

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"I think there's a way we can bring Madison back to life" "Jesus Sammy your not over Madison?!" Dean laughed to himself. "Yes, I'm over Madison, but if there's a way to help her..we should right?" "Sam I don't see you trying to save anyone else" Dean smirked.

Sam sighed to himself, rolling his eyes with this interaction with his brother. "You know I've got my eye on someone else, Dean" He wanted to get his point across. "Actually I didn't know, when's the date?" "I'm trying to be serious right now" "Awh, come on Sammy your always serious why don't we get a drink at the bar?" "You'd only go there for the strippers." Dean thought to himself for a minute "yeah, your right I would" he smiled.

"Are you with me or not?" He asked. "Sam you know I don't like you going on missions alone, but I'm not going with you to save your ex" Sam sighed as he went to his computer to look for the equipment he needed.

"Cas!" Sam called down fully expecting him not to come. "Do you have any idea what this is?" He pointed to a mysterious thing. "No. I believe Gabriel knows what that is"
Sam blushed a little bit just hearing his name. "What's your plan?" "I wanna see if I can bring people back to life." "HIS EX BACK TO LIFE!" Dean shouted across the room. Sam rolled his eyes once again. "Sam you know that's heavily banned, you could die yourself" "isn't it worth it to try?" "You'd save more people if you stayed alive rather than one"

"I could help more folks if I know if it works" "Sam you could be executed" Sam went outside to catch a breather, in disbelief no one sided with him, until his eyes met someone familiar. "Gabriel?" "I heard you were in trouble" Gabriel slightly smiled at him. "Are you here to tell me you don't agree with me aswell?" "No, quite the opposite. I mean your Sam Winchester. You won't die from a simple execution spell, besides I wouldn't let ya" Gabriel winked at him and left as Sam felt his cheeks go red. He was pretty sure he loved that archangel just then.

When Sam went back inside he wasn't expecting to be the center of attention. Apparently Dean had been listening to the whole conversation. "Dean!" "Do you ever mind your own business?!" "Lighten up Sammy! Your my brother." Dean said almost proud. "Could you be more gay?" Dean commented not expecting a reply. "I could be you and Cas." Dean stared at him for a moment, emotionless shocked of his reply.

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