Chapter 6, Daddy Long Legs

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A/N I don't know what A/N means oddly enough and I don't know why I admitted that I use it like for the word announcements, so hopefully that's what it means heh also like don't mind the titles of the 'chapters' it's my own personal touch 😭 also prepare for more Sabriel in the chapter cuz I don't rlly know how to write Destiel but I ship them out of the ass!  I don't know why but I was thinking of this moment. "Get out of my ass" "I was never in your ass" ignore me anyways enjoy

Continuing what was left off~

"Cas!" "Wake up come on why are you in my baby?" "I'm sorry Dean I didn't know where else to sleep, this whole human thing is strange." "Ok, I've got things I got to do hurry up" Dean got into his car and drove to the nearest gas station. "Dean Winchester, here for the pie?" "Always am" He smiled rushing a little bit. "Keep the change" He yelled out as he tossed a 50. Dean pulled up fast honking for Sam and Cas to hurry.

They both got into the car and Dean drove the 15 minutes. "According to his person, Quleen?" "Qulin" Cas corrected. "Remind me why your here again?" Sam snapped. "Anyways she reported more, she said they are multiplying which is strange because a Vampire should never increase that fast" Sam looked lost for words. "Well get ready."

2 days later (sorry for time skip uwu)
"Dean I'm going to Gabe's house, so don't act all surprised when I get back"
"Use protection!" He yelled. Sam placed his hand on his head, his own words echoing in his head. It doesn't matter what you are It only matters what you do it's your choice, ‪Yesterday was Tuesday, but today is Tuesday too‬, head. It doesn't matter what you are It only matters what you do it's your choice. He couldn't decide weither to cry or to laugh. Suddenly Sam collapsed on the sidewalk not being able to take the pain that was in his stomach anymore. Gabriel heard his body thud against the icey floor.

"That's my sam" He talked to himself not shocked Sam didn't care to put on a coat. He picked up Sam and placed him on his bed. He started the furnace hoping it would make it warmer. He covered Sam in blankets, and began making a hot meal and hot chocolate. He checked up on Sam every couple of minutes. Sam woke up feeling sick, he doesn't understand how he got it. "I heard you went on a vampire killing spree this morning" "I've been feeling like shit sense" "don't talk ok just listen." He handed Sam his food and drink. "Gabe I can't eat right now, I can't" He pressed the words. "It's here for you once you get hungry." He lightly smiled. "Sam you'll be okay" "it doesn't feel like it" He groaned in pain, Sam shut his eyes again not expecting what just happened. Dean, Cas and Gabe hovering over him. "Thank god your awake." Cas gave a soft smile. "How long have I been out?" Sam chuckles a little bit. "Sammy are you okay?" Dean asked a little scared, Sam could sense real worry in his eyes. "As much as I can be"

"Drink" Gabriel gave him water with a little bit of medicine. Sam almost choked on it because of its nasty flavor. "I'm sorry, it's not the greatest, huh?" "I was so worried for you." Dean says. "Dean I'm okay" Sam tried his best to comfort Dean as much as he could. He always tried to please everyone. Gabriel handed him some food. "It won't taste great either...but you have to eat." "I'm glad your ok Sammy" Dean hugged him. Sam pointed at the trash bin having to vomit, Dean quickly tossed him the bin, everyone looked away expect Gabriel who was holding his hair out of his face. "I love the support, I do. I think it's late. You and Cas need sleep" Sam pointed out.

"Sam we can stay-" "I'm not dying, if you want to do something for me, leave." He listed. Dean squeezed Sam's hand lightly heading out of the door. "If you need any help call me, what got you sick was the breath of a vampire, it's meant to be strong and full of poison you'll be down for a week but it will get better" Cas tried to assure him. "Thanks Cas" they traded a smile before he left. "Thank you for talking care of me Gabe, I know it's not easy." "Of course Sammy, I would say it's safe to admit I love you now." "You do?" He wanted to hear it again "I love everything about you Sam Winchester." "I love you too Gabe" He tried to say through many coughs." "G-gab-e can you help me to the bathtub." Sam sweated due to a high fever. Gabriel turned the water on cold for a moment helping to help just a little bit.

"Agh. I hate to feel so weak in front of you" "it's not everyday, focus on yourself Sammy" Sam felt a couple tears run down his cheek. Turns out the breath hurts more than the Vampire itself.

"As much as he won't admit it he told you he was okay for you" "I know that Cas, I'm worried for him."Will Gabriel take care of him, properly? Look I know he's your brother but I don't trust him." "I don't trust him much either, but if I know anything..Gabe with protect Sam, like I will protect you Dean" "This isn't time for jokes." He sighed. "Dean I thought I have proved it by now, I will and have protected you." "I don't need protected, I only wish for Sammy's safety."

Sam layed there a couple drips of cold water running down his face. It felt like he could fall asleep there. Gabriel helped him get back up and carried him to his bed. "I overslept so much." He commented. "Cas said it would last a week...but with this it won't. The vampire breath tries to take over the soul. Make you forget who you are. While causing pain in the stomach, it's not any ordinary sickness. 1 out of 8 people make it alive, Sammy promise me you won't forget who you are..." "Gabe, I tried to forget. I tried to forget who I was, to many times to count." Sam admitted. Gabriel nodded still worried for Sam.

A/N This may seem like a long chapter but it actually wasn't~ the story had 1001 words, the other stuff I put in the beginning and what I'm typing now equals 1134 words. P.s this wasn't the greatest because I wrote it at 2:00am instead of sleeping xD Any ideas for more?

1160 words now ;D

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