Chapter 9, Be my guest

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Hello my besties ~ did you like chapter 8? I hope so! Anyways I'm here to say chapter 10 will be a long while because it's gonna be a special! I'm thinking about putting my favorite fan arts and making it 2k words instead of just 1! Thank you as always!!

Dean headed out to check his mailbox not surprised to see a invitation. He sighed as he opened the letter and it read, "Hello, you are invited to Gabriel Novak and Sam Winchesters beloved wedding." Dean couldn't help but give a lousy smile. Sure he misses Sam but it's not over. Deep in his heart he knew that man would be taking his brother and he did just that. "Hello" Castiel said interrupting Dean's thoughts. "Cas! Hey" He said happy for a distraction. "What's that?" He asked in curiosity. "Oh, it's nothing" Dean and Castiel walked back instead and Dean threw the letter on the table.

Cas read it and smiled. "They're getting married Dean! And your invited!" He stated happily. "Why aren't I?" His smile quickly faded. "Cas you don't have a mailbox, just ask Sam" He said like it was the most obvious thing because it was. "Oh." "Dean you seem stressed." "I'm not" He lied. "Just going through the normal life." "You don't have a normal life" "Thanks for reminding me" He said sarcastic. Dean shook his head and went to baby. The thing that would never leave him, Dean was unsure of what to do so he went to the bar with Cas to drink a little (Or a lot).

"So they're wedding is tomorrow?" "Let's not talk about it anymore, yeah?" He said as scarfed down his drink. Cas narrowed his eyes and tried to think of what Deal is feeling. Sam's POV. "Sam." Gabriel said getting his attention. "Yeah?" "Are you worried about Dean?" "Is it really that obvious?" He lightly chuckled. "Actually yes. You can visit it him anytime you know." "It's not just that. The wedding needs to be perfect! And I wanted to get salad because the cake will be sugary enough, but Dean won't eat it." Gabriel chuckled seeing boyfriend so stressed about nothing. "What's so funny?" Sam asked. "Nothing...your just really cute" Gabriel looked amused. Sam blushed and hid his face. "I mean, are you okay with salad?" He asked worriedly. "All I need is suga Samwitch." Gabriel lightly smiled. "Everything would be perfect, I'll make sure of it" He almost threatened. Sam smiled to himself at the love of this man.

"I was thinkin...I don't want a ordinary wedding, I just want you. I want it to be perfect but perfect for us. I want it right here in the backyard of this house you stole from someone" Sam admitted scratching his hair. "Samwitch...that is perfect..but I want to add some tricks to it..some features" He winked. Sam nodded happily, he held Gabriel's hand and full asleep on his chest. Dean's POV. He got back from drinking and thought. He would try to look good for his brother's wedding. He went to take a shower, a cold one. He wanted it be just him and his thoughts. 40 minutes later he stepped out of the shower and held his nose. "God Cas what are you burning?!" "I looked at instructions and it said nothing about the cheese sticking to the pan!!" He said trying to lift up a single slice of cheese with a spatula. "I thought I was bad at cooking." "Dean I thought you were hungry." Dean turned off the stove and cleaned the pan while Cas went outside and started walking.

Dean watched him walked off confused. 15 minutes later Cas arrived back with a apple pie. "You know Cas I was thinking about what you said, and I am hungry." He smiled widely licking his lips. Sam's POV. "Gabe, baby wake up!!" He smiled. "We got to put our suits on!" He said with much excitement in his voice. "Of course" Gabriel chuckled.
They put on the suits waiting so patiently to see everyone. "You invited me? Y'all better be ready." Crowley raised a eyebrow and looked at both Sam and Gabriel who where still waiting to see each other. "Boys! It's been a hot minute!" Bobby leaned in and gave each of them a hug. "You look nice" Bobby complimented Sam. "Where's Dean?" "Oh well to be honest...I'm not sure he'll even show. He was kinda uncomfortable with this whole thing" Bobby nodded unsurely not buying it. Dean and Castiel showed up together confused. "Dean! You showed!" He smiled. "Of course Sammy I wouldn't miss this for the world" He smirked and raised his eyebrow twice. "Hello" Cas walked up to Gabriel. "Buddy! Cas! Hola! You got to talk to me more man" He nudged his shoulder.

"Is this Sam's weddin??" Charlie said loud announcing she was there. "Hi Sam" Cas gave him a hug. "Are you okay?" "Yes I'm just kind of nervous..." "Charlieee!" They all greeted her.

Bobby and Sam walked down the isle. Bobby like a father figure to him. Bobby let a couple tears slip watching his walk up the rest of the way. Gabriel walked with Castiel because he didn't see Chuck as a father, not a very good one. It was one of his tricks. Cas smiled as he let him go. "Thanks Cas!" Gabriel mouthed before walking off eyes in awe of his husband. Dean would be the talker. "On this lovely day of a Tuesday! (Sam's favorite day) Sam Winchester and Gabriel Novak become one. I have no idea what last name they're going with but let's get into it. Sam?" Dean looked at Sam waiting for his vows. "I, Sam Winchester will love you Gabriel Novak until the end of days- and probably after that. I promise to be there for you." Sam said his voice cracking in all the emotions. "And Gabriel?" Dean looked at Gabriel waiting for his part. "I, Gabriel Novak promise to love you forever Sam Winchester. I promise to never stop offering you candy and never stop calling you my Samwitch." Gabriel said keeping his back straight.

"Sam Winchester do you take this evil trickster, Gabriel Novak to be your evil husband?" "I do" "And lastly Gabriel Novak do you take my amazing brother to be your husband?" "Yes! Yes!" "Then you my kiss the bri- or Sam" Sam and Gabriel leaned in for a kiss and it lasted long it was sweet and the crowd went wild, flower being thrown upon them. "Don't worry Dean I'll make sure to return the favor for yours and Cas' wedding." Sam smiled. "Yeah" Dean scoffed but still was happy for his little bro. They dug into cake and Sam fell on the dance floor it was not everyday he done this. "Sam, May I have this dance?" Gabriel smirked at him already knowing his answer. Sam didn't say anything through words but placed his hands in his husband's. "Cas, May I have this dance?" Dean got over himself. "Dean." "What?" "I don't know how to dance." Dean chuckled and grabbed his hand anyway. They kept they eyes on their lovers and danced till their legs became noodles. They shared laughs and had a good day.

(Sorry it was weird and long but it was fun :)) and also this isn't the end so I'm sorry if it felt like that;)

(Sorry it was weird and long but it was fun :)) and also this isn't the end so I'm sorry if it felt like that;)

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