Chapter 3, Fucking mistakes

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A/N if you haven't figured it out already someone's name and then : is texting for example Sam: hello
The next morning~ Dean and Sam woke up chilling on their beds. "It's nice to catch a break, huh Sammy?" Dean smiled. "We still got stuff to do" "Ah come on don't be a party killer."

Cas Invited himself in. "Hello." He said to both of the winchesters. "Cas, it's to early for this besides who invited you" Cas looked ashamed. "Well good morning to you too Dean" "I am here to send a message from Gabriel." Dean looked up at him, Sam getting nervous that the message was for him. "Well?" They waited for him to continue. "Sam, Gabriel had a great nigh-" "Cas, Cas, Cas, Cas" Sam instantly shut him up. Dean chuckled to himself. "A great night hm, Sam?" Dean smirked. Sam blushed getting confronted.

Cas stood there confused. "He was also wondering about the dat-" Sam grabbed Cas' arm and they walked outside. "Cas, come on! I haven't made it public" "yet?" "No, just.. next time text me okay?" Cas nodded and headed towards the door. "Wait- wait tell him I'll text." "Okay Sam."

"Make yourself at home" Dean said sarcastically directed to Cas. "I am sorry Dean" "Cas I was kidding stay"

~ New Number ~
Sam: Hi, it's Sam
Gabriel: Hi Sam

*Sam changed his contact name to spam, and Cas' contact name to Gabriel (so Dean doesn't know)*

Spam: still uh on for that date
Sam: yea, sorry about last night I should've texted
Spam: it's ok Sam

Sam smiled at his phone just talking to Gabriel.
"Talking to your Gabe?" Dean caught him of guard. "Uhm, no. It seems we might have a new mission in New York City." He half lied opening a new message. "NYC? That's a ways, anyways why has they got you smilin?" "Don't you get it Dean? Now you don't get to relax!" "And that makes you happy?" "Yes!" He smiled. Dean rolled his eyes and hid his smile. "I can drive" Cas offered. "No Cas, people can't see you" "Dean I'm in disguise no one would know I'm a angel."

"I knew" He replied, proving his point. Cas rolled his eyes and scoffed

Spam: do you got time today?
Sam: no I got to go out to nyc
Spam: long do you think that'll be
Sam: uh 2 days?
Sam: I'm leaving now
Sam: I'll call you later ok?
*Spam thumbs up reacted your chat*

Sam put his phone away and packed for his 2 days. Cas helped them put their stuff in the trunk. Sam nodded signaling a thank you. "It's just a minor problem with the most underpowered ghost there is we'll be ok" Sam spoke his mind.

"Then why are we doing it?" "Oh come on, Dean. Do you know of any other 'ghost hunters?" "Ghost chasers" Sam covered his face and laughed at his brothers stupid joke.

Sam was headed to sit next to Dean in the front. "Woah woah woah- careful now Sammy, that seat is already taken." Dean smirked, Sam made a ??? face. "Why don't you have a look?" Sam looked to see Dean had a pie sitting there. Sam scoffed and got in the back.

Sam put in some earbuds closing himself out to Dean. It was the longest car ride ever. They went to their hotel room and Sam crashed. Dean couldn't fall asleep yet.

Dean: so
Dean: how's life
Cas: good, yours
He was shocked he replied so quick
Dean: same
Dean: we both lying aren't we?
*read at 4:12am*

He sighed and went to sleep..well almost. He forgot his pie in the car. Dean got on the elevator and back down to his oh so cool car. He smiled as he hugged the pie tightly in his hands he rode the elevator back up and went to get his keycard. A keycard he did not have. He knocked on the door hoping Sam would wake.

Sam looked through the door peek-hole to see it was Dean. He thought someone could be disguising as him because the situation was odd. He looked over and the bed and surely enough Dean wasn't there, he questioned himself for a minute until he saw the pie in his arms. Sam knew this was his ridiculous brother. He opened the door and gave him a stink face for waking him up.  "Dean for a pie?" He closed his eyes for a moment hoping he was just dreaming. "It's not ANY pie" "you say that about them all." Sam jumped on his bed and threw his phone on the table. Dean couldn't sleep so he began doing research on the computer.

*it's Cas he changed his contact name*
Gabriel: is Dean okay? Dean looked at Sams phone and felt honored 'Gabriel' was asking about him

Gabriel: here to update about the whole NYC stuff ( Dean tried hard not to invade Sam's privacy but his phone was right next to him)
Gabriel: it's a trap they're are demons there waiting for you to show up
Gabriel: the 'house' it was located at has never been built
Gabriel: get the equipment from the trunk and be safe about it

*Dean got on Sam's phone trying to hook up 'Gabriel' and Sam the 'right way'*
Sam: Thanks for the info sexy
Gabriel: you are not allowed to say that, Sam.
Sam: remember our night? Without Dean? I loved it
Gabriel: you got hurt that night
Sam: hurt the right way~
Gabriel: no sam. A piece of metal hit you.
Sam: what about after that?
Gabriel: after you were okay I left
Sam: so our night meant nothing to you?
Gabriel: yes. I was glad you were okay.

Dean felt confused he deleted everything expect the information. He finally decided to call it a night and went to sleep.

Sam woke up before Dean and read the messages.
Sam: thank you for the information Cas I'll let Dean know

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