Chapter 4, Half of a whole

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Dean and Sam got back into the truck only this time Sam sat in the front. "Sammy what's up with you and Gaybe?" "What do you mean?" "He said he loved that night." "Yeah." Sam blushed a little. Dean didn't know how to talk about it without confessing to Sam about what he did.

Spam: really Sam?
Spam: I thought we had something
Spam: I trusted you
Spam: I thought you were someone better
Sam read these words and it panicked him.

Sam: Gabe?
Spam: don't call me that
Sam: what happened???
Spam: don't play that shit on me
Sam: I have no idea what's going on
Spam: no idea what's going on?!
Sam: No, I have no idea.
Spam: you weren't flirting with my brother?
Sam: your brother?? I only have a interest in you
Spam: oh so you weren't flirting with Castiel?
Sam: Castiel?! No, I told you I see him as a brother.
Spam: I'm not playing games with you Sam.

Sam shocked at this. Was he to drunk to realize what was going on?
He only felt for Gabriel, even when he had no soul. "Dean did you flirt with Cas, on MY PHONE?" "Cas can make any straight guy question they're sexuality" Dean joked. "No Dean, I'm being serious we're you on my phone last night?" "The hookup with Gabriel didn't work?" He smiled. "Dean you just ruined everything!" "By calling him sexy? I was pretending to be you" "you called him sexy??" "Yes? For you." "Dean I don't have interest in Cas, how would that help me?" "I mean..I would hope you didn't..that's why I sent the message to Gabriel. G a b r i e l" He spelled out. Sam rested his head back wanting to go back to hell. He didn't have any hope to fix this with Gabriel.

"Sammy boy what happened to your lover boy?" "Sam he's pissed because you flirted with Cas on my phone" "oh my god, Sam what is this about? I told you I sent the message to Gabe." "I switched their contacts. Hoping you would do the opposite" He simply said. "I had Gabriel's contact saved as spam." Sam sighed at his now ruined life. "See Sam if you would've just been honest with your phone with me none of this would've happened" "No Dean if you didn't go through MY phone none of this would've happened." "Sam I looked after you sense I could walk, this was to protect you and make your relationship with Gabriel better" "Dean, it was great how it was we weren't moving to fast and I enjoyed it dont you think if I wanted to move faster I would've?"

"No you wouldn't have. I know you better than yourself so stop lying to yourself." Sam wanted to punch him but he remained still, full of worry. "Dean, give me your phone" "Sam?" He thought he was joking. Dean handed Sam his phone. "What's the passcode?" He asked. "I don't know you tell me" Dean was not willing to give him that information. Sam rolled his eyes and guessed the password as pie and surely enough that worked. "Sam!" He tried to grab his phone back but he was also driving. "What's Cas' contact name?" "Sam don't" "give me back my phone" he ordered.

He soon enough found his contact name as 'Baby ina trench coat' "Hello Cas, this is Dean. I am sorry for what I texted you on Sam's phone. It turns out I'm a fool who thinks I know Sam better then himself. I texted you those things because I'm fucking bisexual but I'm never admit it to myself. So have a wonderful fucking life Cas." Sam typed out before Dean apologized. "Sam, please. I made a mistake." "You don't mean it Dean, it's the same every time." "If I didn't mean it I wouldn't still be right here Sam." Sam sighed and figured it as 'good enough' he gave Dean his phone back. Dean untyped everything Sam wrote, "but Sam for the record I do know you more than you know yourself." Sam knew he was right but would never say so. Sometimes Sam didn't know himself at all, or found him doing things he thought he would never do.

"On missions like these, we have to be brothers not enemies." Sam added. Dean nodded in agreement. "I just don't know how to apologize to Gabe." He admitted hoping Dean would give him advice. "We'll solve it once we get back, 5 more minutes. I'll call Cas"
"Hello?" Cas answered. "Hi Cas, is Gabriel in town?" "Yeah" "Can you have him meet at our place? "Dean we do not share a home" "I mean Sam and I." Dean shook his head. "I can try, he's probably wont listen in a time like this" "Try anyways ok?" "Ok, are you okay?" "Yeah of course I am why do you ask?" "The messages you sent me at 4" "The "we're both lying"?" "That's the only one you sent" "yea I was drunk" He lied and ended the call.

Dean got out of the car, and signaled Sam to too. Sam put his hoodie over his head embarrassed too see Gabe and Cas. He got over himself and went inside where he met them, Sam sat on his bed avoiding eye contact, Dean resting on a nearby chair. "So?" Sam started the awkward conversation. "First off I just want to thank you Gabriel for coming" Sam said still looking at his wall. "I didn't do it for you" These words stung a little bit.

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