Chapter 7, Keep a hand of happiness, stay in the shadows of handwritten notes

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A/N Don't ask me what a Jackaleelee's is because I don't know myself, I thought of calling this chapter Jackaleelee's 🙏💀 I don't know where I was going with this~ sadly no Gabriel in this chapter but he was mentioned! Mostly Dean caring for his brother and a sprinkle of the magic word of Destiel

A week later Sam was fully healed. Dean couldn't wait to see him. He's wanted to see him for what felt like forever. Sam didn't feel to comfortable because he didn't want to get his brother sick, that and he just wanted to snuggle with his Gabe.

Dean woke up feeling like shit, but excited to see Sam. "Good morning mr." Cas gave him a quick kiss. Dean was so confused but he couldn't say he hated it, he chose to ignore it. "What happened to Sam? Where is he?" He tried to stay calm. "Dean?" Cas tilted his head. "You know what happened" He softly said. "Is this a dream?" Dean sorta chuckled and went into the bathroom. He splashed water on his face and looked in the mirror.

Cas gave him a hug. "It's okay, Dean" he tried to comfort him. "What the hell is going on Cas? Is this a joke?" He started to worry. "A joke? No. He was important to me too." He brushed the hair out of his face. "What happened!?" He felt a tear roll down his cheek. "Why would Gabriel do this?" He spoke his mind. "Dean? Are you okay?" Cas started to worry for him. "I just want to see Sam!" He started to get pissed. Cas backed away.

"You can't, Gabriel went with Sam" Cas choked on his words. "Went with him? Will they be back? What is this goddamnit!" He threw a lamp to the floor. "Cas just say the words!!" He yelled. "They died Dean you know this.." "DIED?! The last thing I remember was Sam was sick with Vampire breath!" "He passed the sickness onto Gabe and almost you. You were asleep for about a week." "You gave him medicine, Cas, you killed him?!" "It was a overdose." He stated.

Dean walked around the room in denial. He finally took a spot on the couch. "When did this happen?" "About two weeks ago" Dean sighed harshly. "So you don't remember anything?" "No nothing." "And that includes us?" Dean sat there for a moment trying to decide to lie or tell the truth. "No, Cas I don't remember." Cas nodded. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay" He gave him a weak smile. "What do you remember?" "Sam was ill, Gabriel was his care-taker. He w-would've- never hurt him. Gabriel put some meds in his food and Sam took one before. He realized...a little to late. Gabe was unable to heal him. It's different now Dean. We've grieved in many ways." "They um, they're funeral is tomorrow, we're burying them together-" Cas wiped away some tears. "Dean?" He asked to make sure he was still listening. "They lived a good life together, they deserved more but- in the end they were happy they died together." Cas reminded him

Dean rested there, frozen. He felt soulless. What was the meaning in life. He would've done anything to save his brother that was taken from him. "Hey Cas?" "Yeah?" "Did you ever see Sam as your son?" "Oh Dean." Cas gave him a weak smile and stayed by his side.

Dean woke up. Like really woke up. "Hi Cas" Dean hugged him. "Thank you for last night-" "Dean you asleep all night, Sam missed you." "You told me Sam was- never mind" Dean smiled as he ran out the door. "SAMMY!!!" Dean shouted as he had the biggest smile on. "What happened to you?" Sam looked at him with his know-it-all puppy eyes. "I fell alseep-" He scoffed thinking back on his...nightmare? "Sam, have you had any...nightmares recently?" "Nightmares..?" Sam thought back on it. "Uhm- I can't say" "Is Gabriel okay?" "Of course why do you ask?" Sam noticed him getting more strange every question. "Uh- I - no reason" He couldn't think of a excuse. "Alright Dean, what happened last night? Are you drunk?" "No, I'm not drunk" He looked offended. "Well spit it out?"

"I had a dream- a nightmare really. Only it felt real. It felt more real then any uh nightmare I've ever had." "Have you done any research?" "That's the thing, nothing comes up." He scratched the back of his head. Sam didn't buy it for a second and went to his computer. "It's a common thing. The Jackaleelee's demon" "Jackaleelees?" He chuckled. "It's of uh your greatest fears." "My greatest fears? Something's didn't make sense." Sam waited for him to go on. "I was with Castiel." Sam shrugged. "That's news?" He took a big sip of his coffee. Dean connected the dots to himself. He was scared of loving Cas, but why? "I got to go, tell Gabriel I said hi" Dean smirked as Sam rolled his eyes slightly, hiding the mini smile he had.

He thought about the talk he had with Sam, he didn't understand why Gabriel's death would've been in his nightmare he had a talk with Cas. "This'll sound stupid the Jackaleelee's demon. A demon that loses you in your own mind, with the fears, I think we are sharing a nightmare" "Why do you ask that? Is it a fear of yours to share with me?" Dean scoffed. "No. I lost Sam in the dream, but you lost Gabriel" "I lost Gabriel?" "In the nightmare, yes." "Dean I am not afraid of losing him." "He knows how to take care of himself." He added.

"Your afraid for Sam." "Huh?" "You want him to be happy." "Dean, Gabriel is his happiness." Dean nodded understanding more and more every word. "Your afraid Sam won't be happy. Your afraid he wouldn't find the meaning of life." "You didn't want him to follow you. Not like that. You didn't want him to do the same things you did when you were his age. You wanted him to be happy like you couldn't be, so overall, your overall your afraid of the actions you choose" Dean stared, for he had been exposed of all his deepest thoughts.

"Dean, I love you. And I know you don't want to see it, but your a good person. I wish you would see what I do."

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