Chapter 2, Going on a trip in yo fav rocket ship

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A/N Mostly Sabriel in this long (compared to the first one) chapter

"Im gonna try Dean." Sam stated making his final offer to Dean. "Sam it's dangerous you shouldn't" He said seriously.

Sam went out on the porch and got lost in his thoughts. There was a pacific place he had to go 3 hours from there, he dialed a taxi right as Gabriel showed up. "Need any help" Gabriel offered. "No, I want to go on this mission alone." "If you get hurt call, I wouldn't make this offer to anyone else" Sam nodded and thanked him as he went off. Sam had a chance of thought, it would be easier to go with someone especially Gabriel. Sam turned around and asked if Gabriel would go with him.

"Why sudden change?" He chuckled. "Well, it would be easier to go with someone and you kno-" "I get it Sam" Gabriel smiled. Sam nodded and they started to walk. "Oh um, I'll call a taxi" Sam said as he started what he didn't finish. "Sam come on" Gabriel held out his arm, and Sam grabbed it in a blink of a eye they were there. "I uh thought it would be rude to ask-" Sam tried to explain making himself blush. "What do you need?" "Do you have a candle?"

Sam chanted something rather strange. Gabriel stood there and looked at him confused. After 1 sentence the lights shut off and the lightning hit the cabin right outside the window. The wind started up strong forcing them in a angle. "Sam, I think we're gonna need way more than just us!!" He shouted but Sam ignored him and tried to finish the spell. "Sam!" He yelled as Sam got pushed into a table. Gabriel held out his arm to fly out of this place. Sam held on but It didn't work. "They know what we're trying to do.." Sam said defeated, pointing out the obvious.

"We got to go back!" Just then a piece of flying metal hit Sam's head good and knocked him out. Gabriel put a table over him hoping it would protect him just a little as he tried his hardest to keep the door shut. "Fuck!" He yelled to himself the wind getting only more strong. "Cas!!" He yelled out for his brother. Castiel quickly knew what was going on and used on his strength trying to keep the door shut. While Cas was on that Gabriel ran over to Sam tearing off his shirt to stop his bleeding. "Get Sam out of here" He ordered. "I tried" Gabriel ran over to help Cas. "Do you the think the wind will calm down?" He asked through gritted teeth. "I don't know but we'll have to hope"

"Can you heal Sam?" "I can't, God knows what we're doing here" He softly answered. The two lost their energy, the wind finally stopped but not the rain. Gabriel lays near Sam and covers him with his jacket. Cas looked at them both one more time before he left it was finally safe to go.

Gabriel stayed there all night waiting for Sam to wake up. He ended falling asleep next to him. "Agh" Sam groaned in pain as we woke up. Gabriel quickly woke up and sat next to him. "Where are we, what happened, where's your shirt?" He asked to many questions at once. "Don't worry about it... the spell didn't work, but it's a attempt." He sighed. "What happened to my head?" "A metal piece of junk flew in." Sam blushed once he figured out where Gabriel's shirt had went. "Y-you didn't have to use your shirt.." He laughed. Gabriel laughed along with him. "Are you okay?" He finally asked. "Other than all this, I'm-" Sam lost his words. "Your what?" "Nothing." He faintly smiled. "Let's get you home." "Wait Gabe" "Yeah?" "Stay here for a little longer" He said while resting his hand on his. "As you wish, Sam Winchester" He smiled.

"Deans gonna be pissed." Sam laughed saying his thoughts as they went. "You had to know he would." Gabriel smirked. "Yeah" Sam rested there blushing. "Alright, as much as I don't want this end..." Gabriel got up and helped Sam up as-well. They looked each other in the eyes for a moment before Gabriel kissed him on his head. "Thank you Gabe" He smiled as they held hands and they walked out. Before they knew it Sam was home. "Sam, not to rush things.." Gabriel scratched his head. "If you don't want to it's completely fine.." He continued. Sam listened to him closely. "Would you like to you know uh go somewhere for a date or whatever?" Gabriel got over himself and asked. Sam chuckled. "A little bold aren't you.." Gabriel blushed not enjoying himself being 'sweet'. "Of course I would" Sam finally answered. "Keep in contact with me, yeah?" Gabriel asked. "Yeah" They traded their last smile for the day and Sam got prepared for the yelling. Gabriel watched as he went into his house protecting him, his work here was done. Well for now.

"Sam what the hell?!" Dean instantly said as soon as walked in. "I wasn't expecting to fall asleep and I'm not hurt." "Your not hurt?" He scoffed regarding the scar on his head. "Dean it's nothing I've had worse." Dean deeply sighed changing the subject. "Did you bring her back?" "Uh, no things got a little harsh, it wasn't for that day" He admitted. "Then why are you all smiley?" "I uh- had a good sleep" He lied horribly. Dean gave him the stare easily telling he was lying.

"Let's get a drink at the bar." "Yeah for once I think I agree with you" He chuckled. They hopped into the car Dean always driving. "How was your time with Cas?" He said making conversation. "Cas wasn't here." "Why not?" "I don't know Sam I don't own him." "But you wanna" "I'm not gay Sam" He half lied.

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