Chapter 5, Returned Star

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A/N perhaps to big of a step? Saucy as ever hell. The word sexy was used so much here, some dirty jokes Mainly focused on our little gays, Sam and Gaybe. 😜

"Me being the cool brother everyone knows me as..." Dean started. "I uh tried to get Gabriel and Sam closer." He continued. Gabriel and Cas looked at him confused. "So you messaged Castiel?" Gabriel asked not buying it. "No- well yes, but here's the thing." Dean started to say. "I can speak myself." Sam said. "Gabriel I had your contact name as spam and switched Cas' contact name to yours." He said honestly. "Why? Do you care about me as much as you care about spam texts?" He asked a little hurt. "No. I changed your name to spam because I don't want Dean to ruin anything between us." "Yeah don't worry I won't leave my phone next to him again." "So can we leave it as Dean called Cas sexy and move on?" Sam asked his lover. "Yeah.. and Sam I wanna talk to you"

"Sam before you go" Cas stopped him. "Your a brother, to me." "I'm glad we can both agree on that" Sam rested his hand on Cas' shoulder for a moment. Sam headed outside with Gabriel. "I'm sorry about that mess, thank you for understanding my point of view" Sam smiled. "Your brothers always getting into shit huh?" Gabriel gave him a weak smile. "Gabe, I know we haven't got to do that date yet... but I don't need to go out with you to know I like you, I've kind of always have even before Dean gave me shit about it. And so what I'm trying to say is do you want to be my boyfriend?" Sam had a little more to say but it seemed that he was running on for a little to long.

"I assume when you mean go on a date just like a quick lunch date, but I want to go to the beach with you and rent a cabin, so a nice peaceful wake up call" Gabriel smiled a little bit. Gabriel signaled Sam to come closer. "Sam Winchester...I'd be honored to be yours" He whispered in his ear. Sam warmed up much being around Gabriel makes his head spin, way better than any girl he could ask for.

"What do you propose they're doing out there?" Cas asked. "Gabriel is seducing Sam." "Watch, watch he's going to go for the ear whisper." As Dean guessed Gabriel did so. "How did you know?" Cas asked. "The ear whisper is hot" Dean stated like a fact. Dean leaned over and whispered in his ear. "Isn't it Cas?" Dean smirked at him "Hey Dean?" "Yea?" He raised one of his eyebrows. "Do you really think I'm sexy?" Cas dared to ask. "You know what, yeah." Dean said flat out not trying to be romantic, or even make a move on it. Cas stood there and took a quick glance at mr pie lovers lips. Dean winked at him playfully.

"Gabe I feel awkward for asking, can I ki-" Gabriel shut him up with a kiss. "Let's go to my place~ no funny business. I just want to hold you" Gabe admitted something he thought he wasn't capable of. Sam smiled and walked will the better part of him. Gabe found a blanket he wasn't using anymore and gracefully placed it on some soft, dull grass, it was dark outside and he thought it would be pretty to look at the stars with his new boyfriend. Gabe found some pillows and patted a place a place for his moose. "Wow this is beautiful.." Sam got lost in thought. "Not as beautiful as you" Gabe circled a piece of Sam's hair. "Sam." "Yeah?" "Your my retuned star" "Returned? I was always yours" Sam gave in to a weak smirk. "I packed some samwiches, for my dr. sexy""Samwitches? Really?" Sam smiled to boyfriends cheesy joke. "Samwitches sounds like your planning to eat me." "I am" Sam opened his mouth in shock of his dirty joke.

"I'm kidding- well kind of" Gabriel replied to himself. Soon enough Sam and Gabe got tired. They fell asleep cuddling in each other's arms. Just the way they enjoyed it. Sam and Gabe woke up peacefully. "I sleep so good last night" Sam said sweetly innocent. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?" "I could tell you like them" Sam giggled. "I got to get back home" "You are home." "Wait Sam one last thing." Sam looked to see what is was kinda hoping for a kiss~ but nope just a lousey Samwitch. "Seriously my love I don't know how you got my face carved on that sandwich-" "Samwitch" Gabe quickly corrected. "Well, Samwitch but it creeps me out" He chuckled a little. "Okay, okay I'll see you around huh?" Sam nodded walking away peacefully.

"Sam..." Dean didn't even have to finish. "Dean I'm not a baby anymore, besides I was just out with Gabriel." Dean looked to the floor hating being wrong sometimes. "We got to kill a couple vampires, just 3 of them. Reported at the park." "Ok do I have to ask if you had another pie in the front seat?" "Lucky for you, I don't, but that problem is easily fixable" He smiled. Sam shook his head and smiled with him. "Cas?" Sam asked strangely. "Cas wake up." He poked him. "Cas is sleeping in my car??" "Our car and it appears so." "Let's go he'll wake up soon, and you said it was only 3 of them?" "Only 3 of them that was reported could be way more. I'll wake up Cas and get him into the house, can you run out and get me a pie?" Sam heavily sighed. "As long as it goes in the back" "Don't be such a dork Sammy, the pie only gets a couple days to live" "Dean go pick up your own pie."

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