Chapter 8, Truth be told

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Hello besties! It's been a little while 👀 but I have returned 🙇‍♀️ more better than ever! Enjoy this saucy picture of the one and the only~

Sam sighed. He went into the kitchen where he met his brother. "Sam." He looked up at him. Sam scratched his head looking for a reply. "Uh Dean?" He gained the confidence to just talk. "Can we talk?" "Nothing to talk about" Dean smiled a little. Sam sat down clearly getting ready for this long conversation. Dean looked at him irritated, but he decided to go along with it.

"Look, you do this thing where you don't talk to me when something's going on...what is it Dean? You thought Gabriel and I were dead!" He said louder then he expected. "I'm sorry, Sam- I.." "I need to be honest with you something big in my life happened and you need to be okay with it." He let it out. Dean gave him confused look at payed attention. "Gabriel he-" Sam hid his smile from Dean but hearing his name slip of his tongue soothed him. "He?!" Dean squinted. "Dean he-...I'm just not sure your ready for this information" "Come on Sammy it's me! I'm ready for anything" Dean tried making the conversation light-hearted. "Dean, it's serious" "Agh" Sam wiped his hand down this face getting prepared.

"Gabriel and I are getting married and I'm moving in with him" Sam said with a emotionless face. Dean sat there shocked processing this information. Dean sat up and began walking away, clearly done with this conversation. He stood right before the door and managed to let out a low "Okay" before he walked out. Sam remained in the seat with his thoughts, he had more to say. He took out his phone and looked for the contact "Dean" his wrote out a "Dean are you proud of me?" but deleted it as it might have been shown as weakness.

"Hey Samwitch" Gabriel smirked at him with a lollipop hanging from his mouth. Sam jumped a little from the jump scare but instantly eased up. He gave a sad "Hey" as he rested his head on his bed staring up at the ceiling. "Is know..good?" Gabriel asked in a more awkward way. "I don't think Dean will approve of the wedding- I tried talking to him about it but we all know we can't have a conversation with him!" He threw up his arms. "It isn't up to him...I want this right?" Gabriel asked in a worried tone. "Yes of course I do..."  Gabriel sighed and got up on the bed with him, he gave a loving glance before too looking at the ceiling.

Gabriel thought of a idea. He hated seeing his future husband all lost like this. Gabriel got up and went to have a man to man with Dean. He found him easily in the kitchen cooking up some pasta sause. "Dean" Gabriel couldn't help but evil smirk. "Gabriel" Dean rolled his eyes in disgust. "I'm marrying your brother." "Yeah, I know" Dean avoided eye contact and focused on the sause. He sprinkled some pepper on it. "Well? You got nothing to say?" Gabriel chuckled. "Nothing" Dean held his grudge. "I'm marrying your brother! Come on you'll be seeing me every other Tuesday" He smiled pressing it down giving him thoughts about the past. "What's the big deal?" Gabriel asked him swiping a finger in the pasta sause. "Mm, now that needs more pepper."

Dean was clearly disturbed. "Look, fuck off man, alright?" "Okay, we'll have it your way...there is a reason Sam is pissed at ya!" He shouted before leaving the house. Sam found himself asleep he woke up to the shouting and met Dean in the kitchen pouring the sause in the trash. Dean thought of what Gabriel just said, 'Pissed at you'

Dean couldn't even stand to look his brother in the eye. Dean finally let out his anger. "Why him Sam? Out of all the people! You choose him! Was it a good time in your life seeing me die that much?" "Is that what this is about? You?" Sam getting angry. "It's never been about me! Never!" "Why can't you let me be happy? Why can't you let me go?" "Because Sam! I won't be there to protect you! Not from Gabriel. I was fine with anyone else. Your going to cut me off your life." Sam soften his tone. "Dean. I wouldn't do that not anymore. You have my word now I need yours." Dean forced a drink of beer down this throat and slammed it down on the table. "Seriously Dean why can't you let me go?" He signaled his hands in confusion. "I don't know who I am without you...I couldn't forgive myself if that piece of shit hurt you." " I love him Dean! Can't you be proud of me? Just this once? I'm a adult now Dean. I can make my own choices" Dean closed his eyes in thought. "I am proud, Sam...just not with the choosing of the person" "It would be the same if you and Cas got married" "I know Cas wouldn't hurt me." "Cas has! He's betrayed us! He's made up for it now but he's almost killed you multiple times." Dean sighed in frustration "Don't compare Cas to Gabriel." He said almost sick.

" this really what you want? I can't protect you.." "Yes it's all I wanted, and it's a risk I'm willing to take. I appreciate you for everything Dean but I want a new life. This isn't a escape I wanna be happy with him" "Okay." Dean forced a smile.

Dean watched as Sam packed his things. "Thank you Dean" Sam smiled worriedly as he went in for a hug. "You know it's not gonna be much different. We still got hunting to do" Dean reminded him. Sam nodded surely. Sam headed for the door, Gabriel helping carrying his things.

"Oh and Sam?" Sam stopped and turned around. "Yeah?" "You have my word" Sam looked to Gabriel then back at Dean and gave a soft smile. Sam nodded his head 'thanks' once more before he headed off.

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