The first meet

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~ Next morning ~~

~~Your outfit~~

Y/n leaves home trying avoid his thoughts and lost hope to see him and thought to focus on work but somewhere she was still bit sad

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Y/n leaves home trying avoid his thoughts and lost hope to see him and thought to focus on work but somewhere she was still bit sad.she reached office and greeted everyone.

Lisa - Ynieee~ morning.

Y/n - (giggled) Good morning!

Irene - Morning babe ! Btw CEO wants to see you and take this documents with you he needs it ... All the best !

Y/n-(your eyes shined brightly hearing it) sure bye !


Taehyung - Come in.(super cold)

Yn.(that voice sent chills down my spine , with courage i opened the door only to hot as hell, handsome, eyecatcher and the most sexy person to exist my breath hitched seeing him)

(that voice sent chills down my spine , with courage i opened the door only to hot as hell, handsome, eyecatcher and the most sexy person to exist my breath hitched seeing him)

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Cold yet so hot ~~

Taehyung - Seeing hot man for the first time ?

Y/n - I snapped out of my thoughts and realised i have been staring at him and got embarassed. I handed him the documents .

Taehyung - (while going through document) so you are y/n right?

Y/n - Ya-aa (mentally slapped for stuttering).

Taehyung - Anyway we are gonna have meeting within an hour inform your coworkers and prepare for it .

Y/n - Ye-es s-sir (bowed and left)
I ran straight to my desk and Lisa and jimin were jungshook.

Lisa - Baby what happened?

Eun woo - Darling you okay ? Ahh can't handle my hotness?

Y/n - Shut up , i met our CEO goddamn i am speechless also he said that we all will have to gather in a meeting and he said to prepare for it.

Eun woo - You serious? Aish ynaaa you have to help me i have lot of pending work i will be dead meat if Mr Kim finds it (fake crying)

Y/n - Aww don't cry i am there don't worry (he hugged her and she giggled , little did she know that someone was watching actually staring. )

~Time skip~
--Meeting --

We were waiting and the door opened ... Damn !

The straight face perfect suit with muscular body hand in pocket and entered walked straight infront sat on chair and said everyone to sit

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The straight face perfect suit with muscular body hand in pocket and entered walked straight infront sat on chair and said everyone to sit .

---The meeting starts ---

I was busy admiring him ignoring meeting not paying attention to meeting came out of my thoughts when someone opened door

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I was busy admiring him ignoring meeting not paying attention to meeting came out of my thoughts when someone opened door.

Jungkook - Mr Kim I could make it as fast as i could. May i join ?

Taehyung - No problem Mr Jeon sorry for calling you at last moment and miss y/n and miss Lisa will explain you inshort what happened in meeting

Jungkook - (hearing name y/n he search for me and shout) ynaaaaahhhh awwww my cupcake ! Ran and hugged her tightly...

Y/n - Awwww cookieeeee ! Where were you ? I missed you so much ! How have you been ? It's been so long !

Jk- Just recently came , and i missed you too i lost contact with you !

Taehyung - (fake coughs) shall we continue... (That voice was just so colder we all got startled.)

~after the meeting~

Taehyung left and we all gathered...

Irene - Ynieee who is he ? How is he related to you ?

Y/n - He is my childhood bestie !

Lisa - He is so cute aww!

Jk - Hehe thanks you are cute too !

Y/n - Wanna meet up tomorrow is weekend, kook ?

Jk - Sure cupcake see u tomorrow!byee

Y/n - Yep byee !

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