Warning note !

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Slamming the paper which was almost crumbled, with a loud thud on desk .

Se kyung - what's wrong ? Are you okay ? What is this ?

Yn - I need to calm myself down , my brain cells were almost going to burst open. Forcing myself I went to cafe and ordered , guess what !?

Se kyung - What ! What happened!?

Yn - I got this !(showing paper in her hand to her)

Se kyung - What is this ?

Yn - Read it by yourself you will understand (sighing)

Yn finally gave up and sat on nearby chair, se kyung opened the paper fully and started reading it.

~ on Paper~

Hi bitch ! You must be tired finding me . You Dumbfuck ! What you thought I don't know that you are behind me ! I know everything about you bish ...! I know more than you know about yourself ... Also take care of your love, Taehyung. Ahh how can I forget to say this , Joong ki is the most idiot and dumb person I have ever met ! Try harder !

Se kyung almost forgot to breathe , she dropped the letter and looked at yn with mixed emotions . Ofcourse yn and se kyung had deal with these type of situations many times before but never with their close ones .....

Se kyung - What the fuck is this ! I am our of words . I don't know what to say , or gow to react to this !

Yn - Exactly !

Se kyung - Now ! What should we do of this ?

Yn - Even I am confused , she loves playing mind games . One wrong step of ours and she will destroy many things . She don't think and care ....

The door opens with creak sound revealing cha young with some files in her hand and her straight face, showing no emotion.

Cha young - Omo , Hey Yn, how are you ? Ssup, you look upset ?

Yn explains everything to her and cha young suggests them to talk about this to the head of agent . yn and se kyung nods in agreement with her .

Yn - We will think about , anyway thanks . lets get back to work ... Also can you ask Jin woo to send me the details of hacking .

Cha young - Sure I will ask to send you right away , now I will take my leave (said while bowing and yn nodded)

Cha young took her steps towards the door . she opened the door and left, later yn and se kyung decides to deal with this later with Tae and they get back to work .

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