Fate's game

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A/n. After 8 hours of surgery doctor came out and saw Taehyung still waiting. As soon as he saw doctor coming out her ran towards them .

Taehyung - Doc how is she ? Is it serious? Is she okay ? Is she out of danger ? Is ev-

Doc - Mr please calm down . Let me be straight she is not in danger but she have lost lot of blood , risk is still there . We can't take any predictions if you want her to be complete safe you must find a blood donor immediately .

Taehyung (my heart clenched, my breath stucked threatening to come out and i gulped hard) - Wh-at ? A blood donor ? Also what's her blood group ?

Doc - We took her blood test and found out She is B+ , this blood group is bit difficult to find but you need to find asap.

Tae - Can -O(O negative) work ? I mean O negative can donate to everyone.

Doc - Yaa it would work , so are you the one who's gonna donate ?

Tae - Ahh no actually I am A+ so it won't work but my friend can . Also can I see her just once ?

Doc - Actually it's not permitted but you may go however she is not in her senses and won't respond the bullet was properly shot and it immediately reacted and spread in her body through her veins but now she is out of danger.

Tae - Okay , thank you doctor. I will let you know soo when I find donor.(bowed)

Doc.nodded and left

nodded and left

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Tae pov.i went towards the door and peeped through glass of the door. That view just stabbed in my heart and shattered into million of pieces . I have already informed my guards to take care of the body guard who shot her though it was for saving me but from the first i have warned everyone not to make a move until i say . But now it's not important, I just in formed her sister and in office that she is not well . I even called Vincenzo but he is busy in mission i really wonder why did he not tell me about yn's identity. He is my most trusted man like my brother, he definitely would have reasons I sent a message through guards they will inform him and he will come by tomorrow. I had to tell her sister truth because she insisted also got to know that there was a misunderstanding and i am innocent and didn't listened to me and it turns out her sister is also a secret agent and misunderstanding was also somewhat related to her . She will reach here by half hour. I made up my mind and opened the door and went inside . I couldn't help but sit beside her and hold her hands and look blankly at her .

Tae - My love what have you done to yourself ? Seeing you like this is making me weak, i don't want you to be my weakness but my strength

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Tae - My love what have you done to yourself ? Seeing you like this is making me weak, i don't want you to be my weakness but my strength. You definitely must have good reason for killing me and having hatred towards me. I can't help but wonder all possible thoughts that why you misunderstood me . I tried to ask you boss and agent members but they said  you will explain it . Jagia stay strong! You can do it I know my baby can overcome this . From my knowledge I guess Vincenzo's blood group is O negative. I really wish and hope he will come soon I snapped out my thoughts when door opened with a loud thud.

Se Kyung - Yn ! My baby , open your eyes . What happened to you ?(crying loudly and continuously)

Tae - Please calm down , i will explain it to you . (Explains about her situation and health ) also why did she misunderstood and I am really confused and not getting anything. Please explain it.

Se kyung - It would be better if yn explains and we are extremely sorry for misunderstanding you. We should have been more careful and have done verification anyway don't leave my sister's side she is everything to me . Try playing any tricks and I will chop you into tiny pieces (death glare) doesn't matter if you are mafia .

Tae - Don't worry I will take care of her more than myself. I can even give my life up for her . She have special place in my heart and I can't afford to lose her .

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