A step towards the culprit

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An pov. (Yn is staying at Taehyung's home as they are working together to find the culprit)Days past , weeks past months past on one side Taehyung and other mafia's are trying hard to get information; on other side yn,her sister and their agency are trying their very best to find culprit. Rn yn and Taehyung are sitting in dinning hall having their breakfast while Tae breaks the silence

Tae - Yn any update?

Yn - Not really .... Whoever it is planned it very cunningly but it won't really last for long... Will find it out soon..

Tae - Yes we can do it ! Let's keep working....!

An pov. It was really difficult yn and Taehyung and their team were working on this day and night sweating blood. Finally Yn's agency somehow found name of the woman...

~At Taehyung's home after lunch~

Yn is sitting on couch while Taehyung went to kitchen to drink water , he came back and sit near her,Yn breaks silence....

Yn - Taehyungaahhh ! I found name of the culprit.... Not much information is provided but her name is Cheon Seo Jin.... That bitch ass whole who the fuck is she now !

Tae - Really ! Like are you sure ? How do you know ...

Yn - One of her man was caught and we tortured the shit out of him until he spoke her name... Before he could speak further he lost his breath and his body turned cold ... He is no more.

Tae - Ohhh btw I feel like I heard this name before ... Ahh why can't I remember...

Yn - Don't stress out now it will be easy to find that shitty bitch.

Tae - Let's work on it tomorrow, let me text the information to Hyung and inform him to start researching on her and find some more detailed information... It's late let's just sleep.

Yn - Yasss byee good night... Ig today I will have a peaceful night...

Tae - Byee !

~Time skip to morning~

Taehyung and yn are having their breakfast peacefully when his phone rang ...he picked it up was looking bit tensed up .

Yn - What happened? Is everything okay ?

Tae - Hyung did great ! Ohh God he sent me pic of that bitch !

Yn - Really! Show me !

( Yaa ik this feels so wrong, she played  role of antagonist in penthouse drama

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( Yaa ik this feels so wrong, she played  role of antagonist in penthouse drama .... Ik this ain't fair but she is really good at acting evil,heartless,merciless villan, i couldn't help but let her play role of antagonist...No hate towards her she is one of best actors ... Also this has nothing to do with her real life)

Yn - Who is this Dickward ! This bitch's face really looks like she's the culprit,She must be the culprit !

Tae - Ahh yn ...yn calm down girl ! I don't know but I really think I know her ... I definitely saw her somewhere. Okay I am gonna have a meeting with all mafias and discuss about this ...

Yn - Alright... Send me photo we will also find more about it.... This made it very easy to get hold of her.

Tae - Fighting!

Yn - Yes ! Fighting!

Yn and Tae left home and started their research .....

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