Ch-27 Dream on the first day of camp Pt.1

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                                                                        Percy POV

In my Dream. The grand marble and gold room exuded an air of opulence and magnificence, befitting of its divine inhabitants. I sat in the middle of the room on an extravagant golden chair, leaning back with one leg crossed over the other. "Seriously! tots to mom (Demeter), mother (Hera), and Mum (Hestia). seems like dramatics runs in the family." I chucked to myself. 

And yes, I already came up with different things to address them by. But what can I do I was bored and my ADHD brain chose the subject.

As I basked in the splendor of my surroundings, a mischievous smile played on my lips. I knew what was about to happen. The air crackled with anticipation as a bright light enveloped the room, casting a dazzling glow on every gilded surface. It was showtime.

Rolling my eyes with mock exasperation, I leaned forward and rested my chin on the palm of my hand. "Here we go again," I muttered under my breath. My mothers had a flair for the dramatic even I was aware of that, and I just found out about their existence a day ago! 

the light faded. My mothers appeared all smiling at me. I got up from the chair and greeted them with dramatics rivaling their entry. I did an exaggerated bow with one hand on my chest right above my heart and the other behind my waist in a fist while bowing dramatically 45 degrees with a teasing smirk on my face, "Mothers," 

I could practically hear them smirking and rolling their eyes. I took that as my cue to stand up straight. I got a return greeting I didn't quite see coming, Mom Demeter hugged me tightly. "We are proud of you Percy. Defeating one of the best campers in camp, that too without any training."

I smiled softly and hugged her back, similarly to Hestia her hug reminded me of all the times Sally had hugged me. "Thanks, Mom," I chucked lightly, after a few seconds we pulled apart. Hera looked at me and opened her arms, I raised a brow at her, and she shrugged and answered my unasked question "Hestia and Demeter got their hugs. Where is mine?" I chuckled and hugged her as well.

"Let's start the ceremony," Demeter said, once Mother (Hera) and I, pulled apart. "What ceremony?" I asked, bobbing my head to one side, furrowing my brow. "The one in which we give you your powers as our son," Hestia explained giggling at my reaction.

"Oh! Ok," I smiled. 

Smiling Hera stepped forward genteelly keeping a hand on my shoulder, and started. 

"I, Hera, queen of the Olympians, Goddess of marriage, family, and leadership. herby claim Perseus Jackson as my only demigod son, my ichor shall flow through his veins, making him feel at home in my domain.

As my only half-blood heir, Percy will have the powers of:-

1. Emotion Manipulation: He can influence and manipulate the emotions of others, amplifying or dampening specific feelings.

2. Illusion Manipulation: He can create realistic illusions, manipulating the perception of others.

3. Enhanced Charisma: Percy possesses an irresistible charm that draws people to him and makes him naturally charismatic.

4. Mental Resistance: He has a heightened resistance to mental manipulation and illusions.

5. Family bond enhancement: Percy can strengthen the bonds between family members, fostering unity and cooperation.

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