Chapter 3: First Day!

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Madara woke up. He looked around his bare room. He was confused, until he remembered that UA was a boarding school. He looked around for todays outfit. He saw something simple. A black turtleneck, black pants and a beige overcoat draped over his shoulders.

 A black turtleneck, black pants and a beige overcoat draped over his shoulders

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He decided to leave his hair down today. Madara opened a portal and threw his bags into his pocket dimension. He walked out into the kitchen and saw his mother also getting ready.

Madara: Did you get a job?

Inko: Yeah!

Madara: That's excellent!

Inko leaves as she needs to get to work. Madara grabs some food and runs to UA. Madara jumps from building to building and gets to UA in record time. He looks at the map and finds where class 1-A was. Madara finds himself in front of the overly massive door. His map says that this is class 1-A, but the sign just says heroics course. Madara shrugs and opens the door. He looks at the size of the classroom and groans. There are forty desks. It seems that Nezu decided that one larger heroics class instead of two was the choice for this year. Madara walked over to a window and sat at the desk.

A few minutes later, Momo walked in. She took the desk in front of Madara. Kirishima and Bakugo walked in next, Kirishima sat behind Izuku and Bakugo sat at the desk on Izuku's right. Todoroki sat at the desk next to Kirishima. Bakugo put his feet up on the desk. He got smacked on the back of his head. He looked at Madara with anger, but removed his feet from the desk. Madara noticed some people from the entrance exam. He waved at Kendo. She waved back. Izuku watched the chaos that was the Heroics class.

Madara saw the kid with the speed quirk from the entrance exam. The kid tried to berate him for his choice in outfit, saying something along the lines of it not being the proper uniform and disrespecting the previous heroes who attended this school. Madara just opened the school guide to page 38 and pointed at the sentence 'Uniform recommended, but not necessary unless the class is on live tv i.e. sports festival.' The boy apologised. Madara waved him off as he noticed the door open. Madara watched Aizawa slide in. Aizawa left the sleeping bag and stood at the front table. After about eight seconds, the class finally noticed him.

Aizawa: It took you eight seconds to notice me. You aren't giving me a good impression of you as a class. Get changed into these, you have ten minutes to meet me on the field. 

Aizawa threw a box of training clothes onto the table and walked out. I immediately stood up and walked out with a uniform. The class followed after me.

Once out on the field, Madara looked at Aizawa for what to do.

Aizawa: Madara, seeing as you got the highest score in the entrance exam, why don't you come and demonstrate this ball throw.

Madara: Yes sir!

Aizawa: What was your highest throw in middle school?

Madara: About fifty metres before I started training.

Aizawa: Now, do it with your quirk.

Madara opened a portal and pulled out his Gunbai. He threw the ball up high. As the ball was about to hit the fan, Madara activated his Uchiha Reflection. The ball's kinetic energy was absorbed, then multiplied by the force that he struck the ball with. 

Madara: Uchiha Reflection: Impact!

The ball flew into the distance and the class gasped at the power. Madara turned and looked at the class, before seeing two people walking over. Madara smiled warmly at Eri and Rappa. His smile changed to a look of surprise when he saw Eri carrying a raccoon. 

Madara: What have you got there, niece?

There was an uproar in the class, before they all cowered at Madara's glare.

Madara: Don't scare the child.

Eri: I got a pet!

Madara smiled and sat down next to Eri. Madara looked at the raccoon and saw intelligence behind its eyes. Too much intelligence for a normal raccoon. He squinted at it, before looking at Eri again.

Madara: What's her name?

Eri: Bee!

Madara smiled and patted her on the head, before turning to his sworn brother and second teacher of this chaotic class, Kendo Rappa.

Madara: Rappa! Glad to see you're doing well!

Rappa: I could say the same to you!

The class looked shocked at the two's interaction.

Madara: Allow me to introduce my sworn brother, Kendo Rappa, as the second teacher of this massive class!

The class gasped at this. Madara shook his head in disdain at the class's reaction.

Madara: Say hello to him, goddammit! 

Class: Good morning, Rappa sensei!

Rappa laughed at his brother's antics. He waved at them, before pointing at Aizawa. The aptitude test continued and Madara aced everything. He got top score. He didn't even need to use any of his abilities, but he decided to show off because Eri was there. Madara grinned at the shocked class. He looked at Eri and smiled at her.

Aizawa: That's it for now. Everyone return to class. There is a syllabus for everyone on the front desk. Make sure to read it. You will get your first heroics class last period today.

The class cheered and left. Madara stopped as he felt a presence watching him. Madara saw a blue haired man in need of moisturizer. He had red eyes that seemed to pierce Madara's soul. Madara glared back at him with his sharingan active. He had to hold back a laugh as the man got hit with a Genjutsu and fell off of the tree he was using to spy. That helped lighten the mood, but Madara still felt as if something was going to go very wrong, very soon...

End chapter.

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