[11] spanish grand prix

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the one time i plan to do something here, everyone's busy.

so if no one was gonna come watch the race with me, i guess i'm going alone.

because it suited the occasion, the chanel f1 inspired top from their 22/23 cruise collection would finally see the light of day after they sent it to me and i couldn't bring myself to wear it out. so today i paired it with another chanel pleaded mini skirt because the weather was just as unbearable as beijing.

and they weren't lying when they said it was gonna be packed.

when i got on the phone with carlos, charles joined in and told me where to park and said something about the second floor garage where they already reserved me a spot.

i got my parking pass and found my spot.

it was nice of them but now i have to do this walking to the elevator.

but suddenly i don't feel so special.

from the corner of my sunglasses i see a few other people getting out their own cars and in the same direction as me, except i'm taking the lead and wondering if i can go any faster so i don't end up trapped in the same elevator as them.

to no one's surprise, i get there having to wait and so they come up behind me too.

i don't feel so awkward till i hear a whisper or two. but the elevator dings and the doors open where i go in first and of course everyone floods in.

if i wasn't so awkward i'd be picking my head up to see who it was, but all i can bare to do is stare off at the floor. and i would've lasted until,

"i'm sorry but, marisol-"

and i pick my head up to stop mason mount mid question. "messi?"

"hello to you too." i smile awkwardly only to realize he's accompanied by ben chil well and joão felix. "it's a pleasure, i'm-"

"i know who you are. it's very nice to meet you too." joão who was already motioning for a hand shake retracts slightly but before i could let him slip, i shake his hand and go all around. "i definitely didn't expect to be in an elevator with marisol messi, but theres always a first."

"could say the same about you, felix."

we all laugh until the doors open and i walk out first. "you come alone?" mason asks and i nod, "sainz and lecerc invited me, couldn't say no even if i wanted to."

"that's great to hear-"

we haven't even fully entered the event and there were already cameras flashing. "uh, let's get away from some of this." and i nudge my head in another direction where they still follow, but it becomes less and less as security stops them.

"so does that mean you're rooting for ferrari?" mason asks. "who else?" it's becoming harder and harder everyday, though.

we talk for a while more until a reporter stops me. "lovely surprise here we have folks, marisol messi!" i shake her hand and politely smile when i realize she's interviewing lando.

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