[28] mami

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"do you think i could hire you to be my personal photographer, mami?"

"cuando quieras, mija. (whenever you want daughter)" we laugh together from our cabana, taking in all of ibiza.

it's sunday and we go home at midnight. all of yesterday was also spent on the beach, boats, and jet skis. i had so much fun with my dad since my little brothers couldn't get on. i didn't even know he knew how to use one. that same night, my mom and i went to a concert maluma was hosting and we even got to go backstage.

the craziest part was that we didn't even know he'd be here the same time we were.

i know we came as a family, but i was enjoying the time with my mom.

like right now. it was just us while my dad took my brothers to buy ice creams on the other side of the beach because apparently it's just better. "siempre les están poniendo trabajo a alguien. (they're always putting work on someone)" but my dad loves all of us too much to care. "oh my god i just remembered i still have that photoshoot tuesday."

there are people coming down to take pictures for la selección's new kit for the women's team. i got the call two weeks ago and agreed.

a lot of my teammates also have people going to them.

"as long as you remembered in the first place."

she's got a point. "being an adult is hard." granted, i've only been doing it for a year. "and it's only gonna get harder."

she truly knows how to humble me, huh?

but she's right. but to avoid the conversation of growing up any faster, i pick up my phone just to see a twitter notification from fabrizio.


"quién? (who?)"

why have those words come out my mouth when i can just pass my mom the phone. she reads the tweet of arda güler and his little inauguration with real madrid today.

"it's still clear as to who the real champions are in my eyes." don't forget my eyes either.

it isn't until i was about to put my phone down when i get a text. this time it's from alexia through instagram. though, i don't like that it says it's a post from real madrid fem.

"it's like i can't live in peace anymore."

signe bruun to real madrid.

you're telling me i'm gonna have to play against that same chick who pulled my hair in lyon... again?! "ahora que? (now what?)"


that name is enough for my mom to roll her eyes in the other direction.

it just so happens that my parents were there that night when it happened and i got a yellow card for simply defending myself. "one of these days, i'm just gonna disappear off of social media and everyone around me."

"everyone around you? wouldn't they miss you?"

who even knows anymore.

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