[44] recently,

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besides training... i've been stuck at home.

it's made me appreciate the little things around me before pedri. those little things being my brother's. i've spent so much time with them that i swear i time traveled to see then get this big. my time with my parents has also been a blast and i cannot name better people to spend my time with.

that doesn't necessarily mean i'm over everything.

i'm getting better at communicating thanks to my mom. i try to talk through the things that make my head spin about him and she'll sit there and listen.

my time alone has also become crucial. that's usually after midnight when everyone's gone to bed and all doors are shut so the whole house is mine.

it's been about two weeks since that game and we won today too. tomorrow though, or today really, is the men's first game.

i could not be more excited to see my dad back out there wearing his ten.

ansu was kind to hand it over even after my dad refused multiple times.

i'm so excited that i'm still up and it's two in the morning.

whenever i feel like this i go down to the kitchen for some water and sit on the island watching tik toks till i get tired, but i'm getting nothing. though, it's not so fun when i have to watch the slideshows of pictures of pedri and abril.

i sigh anyways and finish the last of my water.

i tell myself that if i convince myself i'm tired, i'll just go to sleep so i start to head for the stairs when i reach the top and my phone vibrates.

at two in the morning, seriously?

i look down to see a text... from pedri.

are you awake? can u come out to the garden?

my heart drops and i so happen to be at the balcony where you can see behind our pitch and out into the garden when i see his figure on the bench he gave me my present.

he doesn't notice me and i stare off but go back to the text and my mind starts to spin again like it always does at the thought of him.

i'll learn some self control one day... but today clearly isn't the day.

i take the door i always do because i like the stone path where i'm met with him waiting. "pedri?"

"marisol." he gets up right away but i have so many questions. "how did you-"

"the guy at the gate works all night." there's one. but the most important is, "why're you here?" i don't ask like i don't want him to be... but he has a game later tonight i'm honestly not in the right mindset to speak to him. "i thought maybe we could catch up... only if you want. i get it's late." he awkwardly laughs at the end and i just stand there because to me nothing's really funny even if he's trying.

"catch up on what?" because apparently our lives are self explanatory without having to be in them anymore. "de todo. (everything)"

cruel summer | PEDRI GONZALEZ Where stories live. Discover now