[65] paris

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i didn't think i'd be back this soon but at least now it's for a good reason.

the flight was great but the majority of it was my little brothers running up and down the isle to bother my parents and pedri and i. thiago was tame for the most part... until we played uno and he kept rage quitting but ended up coming right back even after he said he wouldn't multiple times.

my parents loved seeing him so into the game and i wish mateo and ciro had the attention span for it but they're always going at it with each other.

especially when we got off the plane.

ciro kept shoving mateo with his backpack and it ended in pedri taking him while i took mateo cuz they would've started ripping each other's head off had no one stopped them.

the ride also went smooth. the arrival to the hotel was secretive like planned and pedri and i were just barely settling in when my mom bursted into the room. "van a venir con nosotros?! (are you guys coming with us?!)"

"a donde?! (to where?!)" as if we didn't just get here for her to be asking us this. "pues a caminar por la ciudad. (well to walk around the city)"

i can't even be surprised with her.

"porque no nos vamos en una hora, deje que los niños descansen. (why don't we go in an hour, let the kid rest)"

"si ellos son los unos que quieren ir. por eso estoy pediendo que lo lleven. (they're the ones who wanna go. that's why i'm asking you to take them)" as if not two seconds ago she was asking us to come as a collective.

"pues... (well...)" i turn around to see pedri already making his way to my side knowing he was listening this whole time. "vamonos (let's go)" 

"are you not—" i was gonna ask if he was tired, but he had already gone to shake his head.

i forget that it was a morning flight so we had the whole night to sleep and got a nap in on the plane.

not much to be jet lagged from.

"if you say so." i finally give in and out of no where they all come out of nowhere and storm our room. "dijo que si! (he said yes!)" as cute as the scene was, circo jumping on the bed ruined it so i threw him over my shoulder and collected my purse from the seat with everything in it as we all walked out.

"we should show pedri our old house!" mateo suggest and i turn to look at my mom and it's like we both knew where this was going. "tal vez. (maybe)" she said for their sake.

we just knew we didn't wanna see on the trip.

we're only here for today and tomorrow night before we get on the plane after the ceremony. so we knew we had to make the best of it as tourists.

i looked around us in the elevator when we all walked in and remembered something. "y mi papa? (and my dad?)"

"dijo que fuera mejor si solo fuera nosotros para que no llamáramos mucho la attencion. (he said it'd be best if it were just us so we wouldn't attract so much attention)"

i'm so glad my brothers were too busy talking to pedri to hear my big sigh.

i really wish it wasn't like this sometimes.

he knows how badly we wanted to explore the city. except i was hoping he'd actually be willing to come with too. maybe we'll have other opportunities, i just wanted this to be one of them.

cruel summer | PEDRI GONZALEZ Where stories live. Discover now