[48] go-karting

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we have training tomorrow and i was bored out of my mind because no one was home because they much rather go fishing.

i don't get it either so i called my friends up who were honking the hell out of the horn as i ran out the door. "there's our favorite girl!" at least they know how to greet someone. but i know something's up.

"for the last time, i'm okay."

i've actually been really happy these past few days.

my mind finds it's way back to pedri sometimes but not about how much i like him, but for how much i feel for him.

i hate that i made it obvious that i want nothing to do with him since that night two weeks ago. if not, i would've been right at his side to figure things out with him and abril.

but this whole getting better thing only taught me that's it's not my problem.

these aren't my problems and i have to let it happen because it isn't my place to interfere. "that's the best thing we could hear from you, marisol." yeah, i was starting to hate being the downer whenever we went out. so today we all agreed to go go-karting. "by the way, you never sent the location of the place." balde tells me.

"just use my phone." i hand it to him as he types in my password. "why do you have twenty missed calls from lando?"

"who's lando?"

"no way you don't know lando." i look behind just to look at ansu like he's been living under a rock. "my friend, the f1 driver." then it clicks. "HE'S MY FAVORITE BEHIND LEWIS AND DANIEL!"

"good to know." one of these days, i'm gonna have them meet for the fun of it. "okay let's get going because i wanna get dinner after."

"can we get mcdonalds?"

"gavi, you're not five."

we arrived at the place and there were hardly any people which worked in our favor so we could enjoy our time. "i want the yellow one."

"why would you get the piss color?"

"leave gavi and his piss kart alone." i don't know why gavi thought i was gonna defend him if i was laughing along to balde's comment about the color. "you're probably gonna get red cuz you're basic." he continues to tell me. "how'd you know?!"

"you and ferrari." it wasn't planned so i don't know why ansu's rolling his eyes at me.

both ansu and balde pick purple and blue and the workers put them out for us as we payed for the first hour.

"you guys are gonna lose so bad."

"you're always so sure of yourself and then you end up eating shit." ansu doesn't believe in jinxing yourself or karma no matter how hard i try to convince him it could be true. "not today because clearly i'm the better driver here."

"except you're not. plus who wakes up on sunday's to watch races and is friends with the racers?" i remind him.

"doesn't mean anything if you can't beat me."

cruel summer | PEDRI GONZALEZ Where stories live. Discover now