Chapter Seven

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Word count - 3,423

Ch - 7

Picking Bilbo up, she was guided by Gandalf and set him down in one of his chairs while starting to wake up. Dori had made another cup of tea and left it by Bilbo's chair on a little table. Adelaide went back to the dining room to help Dwalin and Fili put the chairs and table back. Dwalin took one end of the table, while Adelaide took the other, much to Filis dismay. He wanted to help too.

"So, why would a human be Gandalf's ideal protection?"

Dwalin had questioned once the table was up and moving down the hall. Bumbur had to move into the bathroom to avoid being squashed to the wall. Bofur decided that laying down right in their path was a good idea. Dwalin just stepped right on him.

"I'm not sure. Gandalf had asked me to do the same type of thing in the past, I didn't die the last time. Perhaps he thinks I'll be fine."

"And did the last request from the wizard leave you with that scar, lass?"

'Wow straight to the point'
Manoeuvring around the corner towards the spot the table belonged, Adelaide had a chance to think of her answer.

"No it wasn't. This scar is the result of an encounter with a bear."

She wasn't technically lying. She was just leaving out bits and pieces.

"You're a hunter then?"

The table was set down and the weight was removed from their shoulders and backs.

"Something like that. What about you? Those are some nasty marks."

Adealdie looked to his forearms to prove her point. Dwalin turned his arm so he could gaze at the scars before looking back up the Adelaide and crossing his arms.

"Those are none of your business."

He pushed past her and left the room.

'Wait but you can ask about mine? Double standards. Though I knew coming on this journey they'd be secretive.'

Rolling her eyes she turned to leave but got spooked by Fili standing behind her.

"Don't mind him, he's always been a bit grouchy. What was your name again?"

She stared down at the prince for a moment, then saw Kili was standing not too far away.


Kili struts forward to stand beside his brother, "Well it's nice to have a woman in our company. It's a pleasure to have you here, Addie."

"No, absolutely not. You call me Adelaide, or you don't use my name at all."

She hadn't been called Addie since her mother was alive, and she certainly wasn't ready to have that sullied by a try hard prince.

The boys left the kitchen laughing at Adelaide's frustration.

Taking a breather for a moment, Adelaide perked up after hearing a low rumbling. Following the noise she came across a sight she never thought she'd see. Leaning on the doorframe with her arms crossed, Adelaide witnessed the company singing of their homeland.

First, they're deep humming was rumbling through her head. Their deep voices made it sound like they were in a cave filled with echos.

"Far over the misty mountains cold, to dungeons deep and caverns old"

Thorin was leaning over Bilbo's fireplace. Dwalin was standing by the window on the opposite side of the room. Other dwarves were spread in between the two. Thorin's eyes looked to be a pale blue when reminiscing of his past, the red flames created shadows dancing across his frame.

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