Chapter Thirteen

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Word count - 2,7222

Ch - 13

The company moved quickly, almost quietly through Rivendell as they left. While Thorin and Balin stayed to the front of the company, Adelaide once again, stayed at the rear despite Thorin's wishes. If she was there for protection she felt she'd do her best at the back of the pack. 

Her height difference from the dwarves aided her when doing a silent headcount. She had done it two, three times over just to be sure. Bilbo was stuck in the middle of the group, with FIli and Kili just in front of him.

Adelaide was most certainly worried about leaving Gandalf. How would she know when to show herself truly, if at all? She pushed the thought to the side, she would know when to do it if Gandalf were there or not.

The path out of Rivendell was a peaceful one, filled with deer, squirrels and birds chirping. There was no real fear of predators here. The road they followed was soft soil, a nice change from the muddy forest they had passed through days prior. It took no time at all for the company to cease their silence to start conversation with one another. FIli and Kili laughed at their memories of messing with the others when they recounted them to Bilbo, who looked happy to listen. It was getting deeper into the night when Thorin decided it would be best to give his company a rest. Having left Rivendell so late, they were already tired.

Gloin quickly gathered firewood and got to work mixing up a stew with Bombur to help. Adelaide had spotted a small lake further down the road and decided the company may enjoy some fish. She had let Balin know where she was going before she left just in case something happens they know where to find her. After she had left, Dwalin offered to help Bilbo learn a little more about using his weapon.

Thorin stood by, watching the Hobbits improvements while also keeping an eye on his nephews, knowing this would be the place where they were most likely to start trouble. He soon tired of this though, he sat beside his advisor, enjoying the peace here. No elves, no orcs, it was perfect. Except...

"She went off to catch us some fish." Balin spoke up from beside him.

"I didn't ask." Thorin was embarrassed that Balin could read him so easily.

"No, but you were curious. What is it about her, Thorin?"

The dwarf looked confused at his question, "What?"

"Your eyes are always following her. You need to know where she is at all times. You don't think anyone noticed, but I did. So out with it, Thorin."

The kink without a kingdom scoffed at his advisor's foolishness, such a thought was preposterous. "Is it a problem that I want to keep an eye on a human? She trusts the elves after everything they've done, and she keeps secrets. Have we found out what favour she's returning to the wizard by being here? I don't trust her. Is that not reason enough?"

Balin smiled. Had Adelaide not told him about Thorin's private conversation with her, he may have believed his king's confession. Balin just wanted to push his friend a little further.

"She's a beautiful woman."

Thorin crossed his arms and let out a deep sigh, "How can you tell? She has no beard."

The elder laughed, "You're right, maybe she is more Kili's type. Though she's no elf maid."

This time Thorin was the one who let out a little chuckle, but soon quieted himself down once Adelaide had returned to the camp with an armful of trout.

That night the company went to sleep with their stomachs full, and spirits high. The next morning was quick to drain them.

The group took their time to pack everything up, not wanting to leave this little space of peace, but onward they went for hours.

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