Chapter Ten

647 23 1

Word count - 2,763

Ch - 10

Every Dwarf halted what they were doing to look around. The leaves on the trees were dancing with the branches as the threat bounded closer, carrying the wind with them.

The king stood in a defensive position, new sword in hand, "Somethings coming!"

"Stay together!" Gandalf shouted, readying the Dwarves for what was coming, "Hurry now, arm yourselves!"

The little frog hopped away from Adelaide, their peace interrupted. She took in a breath when she stood, smelling nothing of threats, just slight annoyance. If it is who she thinks it is, they better not spill anything about her to the Dwarves.

Her suspicions were confirmed when there was a shrill shouting, "Thieves! Fire! Murder!"

No, not much of a threat at all. She did enjoy his company, he just didn't do well with social cues.

Gandalf let out a breath and his shoulders dropped to a more relaxed position. "Radagast. Radagast the Brown!" He greeted the newcomer with a smile.

While the company looked confused, Adelaide shook her head to those who looked at her in question, signalling he was no threat.

"What on earth are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you, Gandalf. Something's wrong, Something's terribly wrong." The man's eyes were darting around the area, on alert to some invisible force around them.


Radagast was about to speak again, but stuttered, "Just give me a minute. Oh! I had a thought and now I've lost it."

Adelaide was getting extremely bored. Looking down at Radagasts mode of transportation, she had the extreme desire to pet the rabbits.. And with nothing stopping her, she plopped herself down to the ground. One of the rabbits snuggled up to her and hopped into her lap. She scratched behind its ears before eavesdropping on Gandalf's conversation.

"It was right there! On the tip of my tongue. Oh.. It's not a thought at all!" Radagst was talking in a lisp before sticking his tongue out to Gandalf, who then pulled out a bug... oh.

"It's a silly old" Gandalf drops the bug into Radagasts awaiting hand, "Stick insect."

The two wizards move farther away from the group, the Dwarves watch the two intently, not trusting the situation. Bilbo was still cautious of his newly acquired weapon, but he had been practising wielding it. Adelaide was glancing at every Dwarf until her eyes settled on him. His piercing blue eyes. He was looking at the two wizards, until his eyes shifted quickly to Adelaide's as if he could feel her gaze.

He held eye contact until his gaze dipped down to the bunny in her lap, then back up to her eyes with an eyebrow lifted in question. The woman did nothing but smirk and scratch behind the animal's ear. The Dwarf nearly smiled when the rabbit's foot started thumping in pleasure from the itch.

He turned from her sight when the wizards came back from their talk.

Adelaide retained nothing from overhearing their conversation. She had gotten.. Slightly.. Distracted.

A deep howl swept through their area, "Was that a wolf? Are there wolves out there?" Bilbo had asked, rather shaken up.

Waiting no time, Adelaide lifted the rabbit from her lap and gently set it down as she took out her sword from its sheath on her back. It made a hiss as the metal met air. The blade looked dark and menacing, but in battle, it was her one and only ally.

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