Part 1 Finding her?

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*It was a normal mission like any other commander Tropical had Told his two strike teams to explore a abandon facility due to unknown reason so as the two teams landed they were discussing a plan for the mission*

Satin: Alright my team will explore the outside while Phos team explores the lets us know what you guys find.

Rose: good luck.

Lovesosa: don't die in there.

As both teams split up Phos and her team went into the building it was mostly taken over by nature and time they continued to explore looking for any information they found some old documents and papers as they searched more of the building they heard strange noises and felt there were being watched they all decided to meet in area to discus things.

Phos: So you guys find anything other then documents.

Blu and Bayls: nope

As they were discussing phos looked past them and saw what to be a hidden door behind a bookshelf she went over to it and removed and tried to open the door which was sealed tight after she she heard satin's group and call them over asked him for since it would take a lot of strength once it was open they followed the stairs to what looks to be some kind of lab they searched around find more information of what this place they all though it was a abandon but it was a lab that was holding something or someone in. After looking around the lab a bit more they find another door that says danger don't enter on it but they decide to break it since the id system wouldn't work as Phos enter first she saw a girl afraid with ragged clothes and cuts and bruises trying to hide from the group as they slowly enter the room which Phos takes notice and tells everyone to wait outside which they all agree to.

Phos: hey I'm not going to hurt you I promise you can trust me.

*as the girl slowly approaches Phos she starts to fall which Phos is able to catch her bridal style when she looks at the girl again she sees tears on her face but she quickly looks for a name and finds it on her ragged clothes her name is Rox. Phos carry's rox out of that and everyone looks and she explains to them what happens while they head back to the ship*

Phos: she's kinda cute when she is asleep.

Blu: well she will be asleep for sometime we need to get her back to the med-bay so me and rose can fully check her *puts some classical music on*

*meanwhile love and Bayls and rose playing video games and Satin is speaking with commander Trop about what happened after a couple hours they arrive at the base which Blu and rose and Phos rush Rox to the med-bay while Satin goes to speak to Trop about what happened*

meanwhile in the med-bay blu and rose are putting bandages on rox's cut and wounds while she's asleep Phos heads towards trop office to discuss the what happened so says she will look after rox and she will stay in phos room after they finished talking Phos and went to the med-bay and satin went to the training room to workout and saw love and balls and decided to sneak up on love surprise him.

Satin: always gotta be you toes love.

lovesosa: no fair I was distracted *blushes a bit while looking at satin:

Bayls: anyway wanna train were trying to figure out this whole situation with rox.

Satin: sure I be glad I'm not gonna go easy though.

As Phos arrives to the med-bay she sees Rox wake up but rox at first is panicking cause she doesn't know where she is and phos quickly calms her down so blu and rose can ask her questions they don't due to her not speaking. When they ask her about why she isn't talking she starts to cry when she remembers a bit of what happened, lucky phos is holding her to comfort her and to make sure she's alright they decide for rox to go with Phos to her room while Blu and rose and discuss what her condition is.

Blu: So she has memory lose bruises and cuts what else?

Rose: probably a lot more but she's a mute we should probably make something for her so can communicate.

As rose and Blu head to bed phos and rox also are figuring rox moves towards and phos I'll sleep on the couch which rox shakes her head no so she decides they'll sleep in the same once as phos enters the bed rox moves closer for warmth and phos puts her arm rox body as rox falls asleep phos wispher "I'll protect you I promise" as the rest of the team is asleep tomorrow is a new with a new adventure.

*somewhere else*

???: I want her found she got lucky when the incident happened but find her now.

Hope you guys enjoy to be continued

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