A Deal? Part 9

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I'm Back sorry been busy but I hope you enjoy.

*It's been a few weeks since Rox has been stay with the Queen of junker town Odessa Rox is doing better she is a bit sad though about her friends but one day she hopes to see them. we see rox chilling on a balcony in Odessa apartment as JQ walks into her Apartment she wonders where here little bird is.

JQ: Little bird i'm home where are you *She looks every where* Huh did she ooh she toke my Shirt he he *quietly walks to the Balcony and wraps her hands around rox* my my little bird did you take shirt cute *she gets closer to rox's ear and whisper i'm gonna have punish you my little bird* 

*Rox is blushing like crazy and Odessa is laughing like crazy but Then she gets a knock on her Door and a bit angry goes answer it she is reminded that she duty's to do around junker town which she grabs her stuff and grabs rox and quickly helps rox change into some comfy clothes and they head off. As rox's follows Odessa around she's seen helping the her town people and teaching the children which make's rox smile and then they head to her throne room as rox sits on Odessa laps rox's is enjoying listing to Odessa story's and finding she had a sister which telling rox her stories makes Odessa feel happy and calm she like rox and she feels calm around her as the day goes on the evening comes by and Odessa and rox head to a junker town restaurant to meet up with some of Odessa friends and they all have a great laughing joking around playing game when rox and Odessa return to there room Odessa decides to get a little flirty with rox and they end up cuddling the hole night. 

*A couple days later*

One day A ship appears outside of junker town which is quickly known by Odessa so goes to see who it is and takes rox's to go with her but as there walking towards the entrance rox's start to get very worried like something is bad about to happen so she stays behind a bit as Odessa Walks past the gate she sees talon.

Doomfist: Greetings Junker Queen your probably know who we are and your wondering why were here will make it simple *shows a picture of rox which Odessa things for a bit* 

JQ: Nope haven't seen her anything else i can help with. 

Doomfist: we know you have the girl here you may want to hand her over before we get serious.

*As Odessa gets her weapons ready suddenly a Figure walks out from the ship with Two others Rox see's from a distance and begins to panic the figure is v and her friends.

Val: I'm sure there is another way to deal with Hand over Rox or will destroy your city and everyone here we can do it so choose carefully.

*Odessa is having a hard to choosing but sadly she make's a decisions to save her as she heads back to grab. She finds rox scared and panicking as she guides rox's outside she whisper i'm so sorry little bird I hope you survive i will always love you. As soon as rox is in visible few of V she panic's even more As Odessa stands back V charges towards Rox and hits her in the gut cause rox to fall the ground.

Val: Finally After all this time your getting what your deserve you thought you could run away from us after that day make news friends you haven't changed one bit have you your still the scared useless girl you were back then.

R: He-he nice val now put the cuffs on her before she can escape.

*As rox is being put in cuffs Val and R and S are laughing and cheering while Rox is being forced on the Ship she hears about satin and is a bit shocked but still confused while Doomfist thanks the Queen for her cooperation and gives her supply's and money As the ship Begins to take off Odessa looks at rox and she is sad but she can't do anything now as she watches the Ship fly off she heads back into town and to her room and Take's out her phone and Calls someone.*

JQ: Hello Phos my sister.

*At Talon HQ*

*We see Rox in a holding cell while Doomfist and Val's team exchange the rewards but no one knows Moira goes to see rox's to run some test and test a theory she has.

Moria: Hello little one don't worry i'm not gonna hurt you i just wanna run some test *as she does she finds some interesting results* huh interesting it can't be possible but your similar to her. *As Moria takes a small halo and puts it near rox it slightly glow's which Moria is shocked to see.* It can't be Angela is it you how it doesn't make sense. *rox's tilts her head in confusion* I guess you look like her a bit but you don't remember anything don't you if Angela is still in there I hope she can hear me and i'm glad she is still alive somewhat i have to go now hide this is and do more testing but please be careful.

*As Moria leaves and says she healthy Val comes to grab her and head to back to there base rox is scared but has no choice she follows in cuffs and has R and S following behind as rox's is heading toward the ships she see's satin with doomfist and wonders what has happened with her friends where are they as the get on the ship rox realize that what ever going to happen next she may not be ready for as the ships flies off rox close her eyes and sheds a tear.

Val: this is great we finally captured rox and now she will pay for what she did i'm gonna enjoy this.

*Meanwhile at the old overwatch base Phos is the only one left there as she was thinking every over and suddenly she gets a message from her sister and quickly gets on a Ship and heads towards junker town her sister maybe able to give her the answer she needs.

Thank you everyone for waiting sorry but i'm gonna work on the next parts soon and thank you to all my friends who supported me with this idea none of this would've happened without them and there charterers 

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