Part 10 The past.

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      Waring some smut stuff towards the end of story if you don't like please skip to next part once

                                       *As Moria is in her office she remember the day it happened*

It was a normal when moira was in overwatch she befriend Dr. Ziegler and they would talk and work together but one day Moira invited Angela to her lab in oasis when we were there i showed her everything then my colleges came and we showed her around which lead us to our other Dr. Space which that was are nickname for him his lab was a bit far from the rest of us more like a warehouse he used. He was working on a experiment which was a large two capsule like chambers the experiment is giving a person ability's and powers to another person. Then there a couple of people there Mrs. val and a girl called r but then i saw her rox who was look sad and somewhat hurt. I looked towards Angelia and saw her face sadden but i didn't say anything but While there explain the machine one of the suggested a test run which they kindly asked Dr. zeigler who agreed once she was a it was safe as she got in one of the capsules. I saw Val Drags rox into the other which her face expression showed angry and annoyance as we all stepped backed and watched it start to power it was working fine but the all of sudden the console went crazy and started showing warning which cause the machine to spew fire everywhere and bolts of lighting which caused some of the warehouse to collapse everyone was evacuating. I went to grab angleia from the capsule but it wouldn't open as i'm trying to get it open i see rox trying to signal her friends for help but they just looked at her and left which caused rox to panic and just feel alone and scared. I keep trying to open it but it wouldn't budge until i heard angelia say*Moira its okay right now you need to get out of hear* I tried to tell her no but she didn't listen at the end of it I had to flee before the rest of it collapsed on to me l looked back only to see the her smiling and trying to talk to rox to comfort after there was a huge explosion we got away just in time after it was some of us went to check the damage after the dust cleared there was a small crater where the machine was I went closer to it seeing if she survived but all i found was her name tag I was speechless i was silent for awhile then i saw Val and her friends loom around for anything and at that moment i said something.

Past Moira: I saw you back Val you didn't help your friend at all you didn't even try to save her do you have anything to say.

Past Val: I do Rox was weak and she deserved what happened here i'm glad she is gone but i'm sorry what Happened to Dr. Ziegler .

After what she said I couldn't talk to her and her friends we all left and went are separate ways as soon i got back to overwatch HQ i informed everyone what happened they were sad by the news we all had a funeral for mercy after that the hole blackwatch accident happened and then i joined talon where i have been now but one day i decided to visit the crater again having some hope but nothing then i heard someone coming so i quickly hide and saw Val and her friends there when the cleared the ruble they found a girl with pinkish and a little bit of blond hair which val knew who she was and they grabbed her and left and so did. To this day i kept angleia items hoping they would react but nothing until rox came i never knew that machine worked.

*After moira is done explains it to satin who was curious he asked a question*

Satin: So is there a way to separate them?

Moira: I'm not sure but if there is its to dangerous.

*meanwhile Phos finally arrives at junker town and her sister is seen waiting they catch up and talk for a long time laughing and having but then phos asked a question*

Phos: there was this Girl i knew at the base we found her and i think she liked and i liked her but then we found out some stuff about her and now idk what to feel about her.

Odessa: wow i'm sorry to hear that sis but listen if you truly love and careful for them if there your friend or something more it doesn't matter what they did in the past who they are now is whats important. Its crazy i found this pink haired girl and i brought here back here and toke care of her she couldn't talk but i didn't mind and god she was and shy she would blush anytime she saw me hehe.

Phos: wait pink hair girl you found rox wait where is she i haven't seen here why didn't you tell me.

Odessa: I didn't know who she was and plus she didn't give any i mean she felt fine with me but she's gone talon and this val girl toke her i tried to fight but the threaten the city and i had to protect them so they toke her to idk where.

Phos: *After hearing this shocked phos and decided to head back to base but at this moment she understood what she wanted to do* I'm gonna find her and help her thank you Odessa.

Odessa: Np now go get her back and maybe bring her by i would like to see her again.

*As Phos heads back the ship Odessa is seen giving her a smile and a thumbs up then the ship takes off and as phos is flying home she tries to get in contact with everyone but no answer but as soon as she gets back to the base she see's some old faces*

Phos: Rose and Love your back i'm glad your hear.

Rose: its great to see you phos and were ready to help.

Love: yea but there's something on the.

*As the three head towards the door there's a note from overwatch higher up saying that commander troop has left for a mission and new role and now the new commander will be point to Phos your will call her commander Z*

Phos: wow i'm a commander alright there's a lot i need to tell you two.

*As the gang heads inside. Meanwhile where rox is she is in a prison cell at a unknown location*

Warning smut about to happen

*We see val inside the cell with rox who are both undressed as val is pounding rox hard with her cock and rox is somewhat moaning but not loudly*

Val: you fuckin like slut you like me pounding you until your nothing but a bitch remember i used to this to you all the time your so tight as every.

*As Val continues to go at it she continues to call her names which val is making rox have a moaning expression a couple of hours later val finally cums into rox after that Val gets up and puts on her clothes looking satisfied leaves rox and close but shes gets a phone call from R*

Val: What's up ruby.

Ruby: Your girlfriend is here and waiting for you in the lobby

*As val Runs up to see her girlfriend Stacy she runs over and hugs her and gives her a kiss she ask why does she look and smell weird but Val says she's been working on stuff and the two head up stairs to relax and hang with there friends. Rox's wake's gets up and puts her bra and panties and shirt on and just lays on the floor and tries to sleep she cry's a bit. As the night finally came Stacy is seen walking down to the basement without anyone knowing she enters the basement to see the Prison Rox is she enter the code to enter it which scares rox.*

Stacy: Hey i'm not gonna hurt you ok lets get you out of her.

*As Stacy helps rox out of the room Val and her friends get alerted which makes val run towards the basement and see's*

Val: Stacy babe what are you doing get away from her she's dangerous.

Stacy: why did you have in there.

*As val grabbed Stacy she quickly grabs rox and throws her into the cell again and everyone heads up stairs as val tells Stacy she was gonna be a friend for her but she isn't ready yet and rox lays on the floor and tries to sleep.

Hope you guys enjoyed this is a long one.

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