Part 6 long time no see

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*As of the recent events Tropical's group all went there own ways which we see rose heading route 66 to meet up with a old friend as she enters the dinner she the old cowboy siting down waiting to chat as she sits down she is offered food and eats while they chat about the old days and fun moments*

Cassidy: So how have you been after the beach?

Rose: well not to good *procesed to tell him what happened* so yea right now idk what to do but i need a break from it all you know but i may need your help rox's is missing and we cant find her.

*After the two continue to talk there are interrupted by a loud sound outside only to find out its some women and a om-inc*

Cassidy: Well its her again Ashe and bob wonder what they want.

Rose: who?

*as the two walk outside they see the women known as Ashe and her butler bob which looks like they want a fight when rose notices she quickly gets her gun locked and loaded and then bang we see Ashe shoot the first which they dodge and get into cover bob starts shooting at Cassidy and ashe aims towards both sides shoot back and forth.

Rose: i have a idea we need to use grenade!

Cassidy: I like the sound of that.

*as Cassidy throws his grenade rose quickly shoots it causing a explosion which causes Debris to fly in every direction this allows rose to quickly and stealthy charge at Ashe which she shocked when the dust settled she is stunned by rose her weapons were tossed away by rise and she stares at rose which she can only a cold stare and determination in her eyes.

Ashe: how are you so fast!

Cassidy: look Ashe we need to talk.

*After Cassidy explains what's going on to she is shocked while there talking rose looks at bob it make's her remember rox should we have loved to meet bob as three talk about a plan and whats next they enjoy catching up with each other after so long and laugh and crack jokes.

Rose: Thank you both for agreeing to help it means a lot.

Ashe: yea plus i wanna meet her.

Cassidy: so rose have figured it out?

Rose: yes i wanna find rox and help her but we need to head back to the base and also pick up another ally.

*As rose's team get ready to leave and meet trop. Rose is making a phone call to old friend who thinks who can. Rose is filled with determination and battle ready to find out what she suspects its talon but she needs to gather clues.*

Rose: Hello baptise i need your help.

*Meanwhile in a city* 

*we see rox running around panicked and scared thinking someone may take her but she stumbles into a alleyway and has a chance to rest little does she know she is not and when she walk's further into the alleyway she meets a tall omnic with a staff and hooded as well they mystery's thing ask*

???: who are you?

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