Part 4 a Trip to Paraiso.

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Hello everyone sorry for lack of parts been a bit busy but i'm back.

*As the team were entering Paraiso they all decided to enjoy the beach and have a little summer day which they all agreed on even commander trop joined as well. Once they all arrived they made there way to the beach and got ready for the fun day rox was a little nervous she's afraid people may look and wonder why she is here or why she has bandages on but here friends tell her they protect her which makes her smile a lot as they were about to discus what to do a man in a palm hat starts walk over to the group.*

Cassidy: Will if an't my old pal phos haven't seen you ages how have you been and who this fine lady.

Phos: Omg Cass its been ages I've been great were just here to enjoy the beach's and this is rox shes a new friend we found.

Cass: Well nice to meet you rox since you guys are here why don't you play some volleyball there i can set up a tournament for you guys to it will be a team of two so you guys have to figure it out.

*As the gang figure out who's gonna team with who Rox decided to watch on the sidelines since she doesn't know how to play or isn't that fast she would like to rest but she will cheer her friends on. The teams are decided Phos and rose, Love and Bayls and Satin and trop, As Blu thinking her teammate gonna she heard a familiar voice and it was Lucio and they decided to team up for the game.

Blu: Lucio it so good to see you how was that song i sent you.

Lucio: it was great Blu it great to see you as well oh is that your friend rox its nice to meet you come on Blu lets play.

*Rox waves hi and sits down to watch the match the first match is between Rose and Phos vs Love and bayls first to the 3 points wins Phos serves the ball which is deflected by bayls and swiftly returned by rose and it scores them a point now Bayls serves the ball and its a fast phos quickly knocks it back but love hits back with speed and rose doesn't knock it back in time which score love and bayls a point next up Rose serves which is hit back by bayls and then phos which love hits as but as the ball was just about on phos and rose side phos jumps and knocks it back to love and bayls side they didn't have to react to it earning rose and phos another point which they high five next bayls serves and gets knocked backed by rose then love sends it flying to rose side which earns love and bayls a point now that its tied rose and love say something to each other.*

Love: may as well give up rose after were gonna win since i'm the best one here.

Rose: will see about that little.

*As Phos serves the ball Bayls hit back but rose tells Phos to give her a boosted which she does and rose is able to knock the ball with speed and force and it hits love and Bayls so quickly making the first round winner rose and phos everyone cheers. Rox is very happy Phos After they walk of and sit to rest. The next match is between satin and trop vs blu and Lucio as is server by Blu satin hits its back which Lucio quickly hits it back and Trop wasn't able to reach it in time give and Blu and Lucio a point satin serves next and Blu hits it back but Trop spikes it with speed and Lucio ins't able to reach it in time making it tied the game goes on with both sides having two points the balls coming back to Blu which her and Lucio used there speed to knock it a bit far and fast which Trop and satin couldn't get in making Blu and Lucio the winner they all decided to take a break and grab some food. Phos is chilling with Rox and Cassidy while Blu and Lucio come chill with three and discuss music which Rox learns more about music she likes it they all deiced that Bayls and love should go against Trop and satin which they do Love gets distracted by satin a lot but they still had a lot of fun As Blu and Lucio and Phos and rose are about to start Cassidy walks over to Rox and he talks to her a bit.

Cass: So i've heard a bit about you from Phos im sorry you went through all that but i'm glad Phos found you shes a really good person she also good at fighting as well.

*Rox shakes her and smiles and looks at phos and blushes*

Cass: ah I see you have a crush on her that's good i hope you found out who you are rox.

*Rox then hugs and smile which cassidy tells some jokes about his which make rox giggle phos then see's it and smile seeing rox happy earlier that day rox was really embarrassed about coming to the beach she's never been to the beach or in swim wear which phos help her out in but she rox was convinced and even when we got some people did say some stuff but they toke one look at us and ran away. As the final round started rose serve quickly lucio knocked backed but phos hit back blu then hit back and rose swiftly knocked it back earning them a point the next few rounds were same until it was tied blu and lucio were gonna use there speed like when then faced trop and satin but then phos and rose jumped up and used both there force to knock the ball to blu sides and they won which everyone cheered they all were happy after blu and lucio went to rest satin and trop were ready satin server quickly returned by phos then trop hit it then rose knocked it back earn them a point rose served next which trop hit back then phos then satin knocked it back with a angle they couldn't reach in time earning them a point it this went on for awhile after that it was tied 2 to 2 phos served knocked by satin phos gave rose a boost in the air which sent the ball spinning to trop and satin side which gave phos and rose the point and they won they all cheered and congratulated each other for having fun they watch the sunset phos sat down next to cassidy which he talked about rox reminding him of someone he knew but rox came over with some drinks and phos grab rox and put her in her lap and they watched the fireworks Rox was happy so that day and she wanted to say thank you to her friends.

Cass: I think is trying to say thanks you guys for the best summer day.

Phos: of course rox thx for cheering me on cutie this was a blast.

rose: yea it was a lot of fun even wining against little bro love.

Love: very funny rose but yea it was great i'm still the best though.

Satin: Keep telling yourself that love but yea i had lots of fun the beach the food and the friends it was great.

Trop: yea it was.

Bayls: I had loads of fun.

Blu: Same are team was great plus the music.

Lucio: Yea the vibes were great oh yea here go blu *hands her one his songs* its my song and rox i hope we can listen to music more maybe find some music you like.

*As the gang enjoy there day at the beach they enjoying the jokes and music and laughing but as we seen in the distance a bit a familiar crew.*

Widowmaker: So there she is the girl That group wanted us to get.

Reaper: yes this V person asked talon if we could help them turns out we don't know much about the group that asked us.

Sombra: that is try but i do see a familiar cowboy gabe maybe we wait have widow keep on eye on this rox person after all this V person wants her alive.

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