Part 2 A new day with a new face

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As the morning  sunrise started most of the members of Commanders Trop teams were already up and in the sleeping quarters kitchen and table making food and talking about there plans for the day. Phos walked out of here room and greeted everyone with yawn and went to make a cup of coffee as she sat down with everyone and began talking with everyone else her door opened and out comes rox wearing one of Phos's long shirts with the of sides down to her shoulder everyone pause and looks at rox for a second then back a Phos.

Phos: What?

Satin: Did you guys do it!!

*rox blushes a bit*

Phos: what noo we just feel asleep last night

Lovesosa: then why the hell is she wearing on a t shirt?

Phos: cause none of my other clothes would fit plus i thought  a shirt would work until we find her some clothes she can fit.

Rose: well for now we until we find her some regular clothes.

Blu and bayls: right so where is rox gonna be today?

Phos: with me since we will take shifts taking care of her.

All agree and go on there separate ways and rox's head back to phos room to put on her old raged outfit but phos stops her gives her some shorts blu gave her which she's put her on and one her of phos hoodie which is big on rox and when she wears she smiles and flaps her arms after they finish leaves the sleeping quarters and does her rounds with rox tagging along making sure no one looks at her creepy as they enter the training room they see love and satin showing recruits how to do hand to hand combat as satin and love train satin says something to love.

Satin: you know love you got some pretty thick buns.

Lovesosa: *blushes* you perv *dashes at but is blocked by satin and is knelled on the ground*

Satin: do you forfeit? 

Lovesosa: yes satin.

Satin: heh good match.

*As the two are watching commander the training session Trop walks over the them and speaks to them*

Trop: Hi Phos and rox how are you.

Phos: Hi sir we are doing fine just making sure rox is ok.

Trop: rox are you enjoying are base?

*rox shakes her heard yes*

*As trop smiles and walks over to the satin and love and talk with them Phos and rox walk around a bit more*

As they continued to walk phos saw rox was slowing down a bit being exhausted from the recent events and before they found her so phos picked her and carried her all the way to the med bay to get checked out. lucky for them she was just tired and slowly regaining strength her bandages were replaced and then they head back to the sleeping quarters to watch some tv. After that everyone came over and they all decided to have a video game party they played video games for awhile they all laughed and had after that they all decided to go to there rooms and go to sleep phos carrying a sleepy rox into and snuggling up to her and falling asleep.

*As rox is Sleeping she starts having nightmares of bad things that happened to her she starts to cry* And phos wakes her up and reassure her everything is going to be ok and comforts her until she falls asleep the rest of the is out her door listening to what she saying which phos knows there and ignores them she kisses rox forehead and falls and the gang slowly opens the door and they see phos flipping them off to which they close the door and go back to there room.

As they fall back asleep phos thinks about a way for rox to communicate to them while she does that she falls asleep and look forward to the next day.

*somewhere else*

V: so we haven't found her yet dammit!

F: Relax V so cant have gone far plus after everything that happened should wouldn't remember it or be able to speak.

V: Still though i want her found send someone to find her someone good.

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