Part 3 A bounty!

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V: So Mr.Roadhog you can get the job the done and bring her back here.

*Roadhog is silent but nods*

F: Perfect *hands him the information he will need* get Get rox back here alive and you will get your reward.

*As Roadhog is given the information he leaves the meeting the mysterious group talks:

F: you think he can do it?

V: He better.

*Meanwhile back with Rox's and here friends We can Blu and Bayls work on something for rox*

Blu: its done rox come here.

*Roxs walks over to them and she gifted a watch which allows her to type out some her response to a group chat with her friends or a hologram which makes rox excited and hugs blu and bayls which they hug back seeing her smile she decides to go find love and satin which satin is teaching so soldiers about combat*

Satin: When facing a opponent and you don't know there weakness what should do?

*Rox's types out on her watch look for there weakness and exploit it*

Satin: correct *hey looks over at rox* well i'll be glad to see you up and about how about you join us for the lesson today rox it will be fun.

*while the troops and satin and love were training rox was watching from the sidelines even due to her ingures and past she can't really fight but she wants to cheer her friends on while they train but what was about to happen no one expected all of a sudden a load explosions and blast came from the side of the wall of the training room everyone got blasted away a bit and when the dust cleared roadhog entered the training and he instantly looked at rox and started to launch his hook and grab her but out of no where satin punched hog which only angers him more he used his scraped gun and shoot him but satin was able to block it and love was able to dash at roadhog and distract him so rox can run and hide.*

Satin: what do you want Roadhog why are you trying to capture rox.

Roadhog: That's none of your businesses now out of my way or your gonna regret it punk.

*As soon Roadhog reloads his weapons he gets ready do use all the scrape with his weapon to do the whole once he does everyone is knocked back but love has a plan and is quickly able to deflect it back at Roadhog which cause him to get knocked back a bit but he uses his re-breather and was healed a bit and continued to fight love while that was happening rox went to check up on satin and see if he needed help luckily he was injured badly but was hurt when rox but her hand on his wounded it slowly started to feel better which satin was great and then went back to help love when her returned he and love worked together to weaken roadhog a lot they were tired from the fight but as soon the were gonna charge roadhog use a smokescreen to flee the HQ when the dust settled everyone was safe and rox was safe they three then went back to sleeping quarters and phos and the rest of the group heard and were glad there were safe especially phos with rox she hugged her and rox was blushing but commander Trop called satin and phos to his office.

Trop: I'm glad everyone is safe but we need to know why roadhog attacked us and why.

Satin: he seemed interested in rox cause he tried to capture her so maybe someone is trying to hunt her down for unknown reason.

Phos: well who every they are we can stop them and protect her.

Trop: right but we need to find more about her past i would suggest have someone near her at all time's we cant have this happen again you two are dismissed.

*As the two return the sleeping quarters where the rest are hanging area playing some video games as Phos and satin return to there rooms to change and hang with there friends phos decides to freshen up after she does when she about to leave her bathroom rox walks in her bedroom and see's her in a towel but her abs are exposed and rox is blushing so hard phos is a blushing as well and ask if she likes abs which rox shakes her head and then she quickly gets changed and carry's rox's to the Tv area and they enjoy the night with friends.


V: report Roadhog how it go?

Roadhog: didn't go well but i was about to grab her but her friends stopped me i had to flee.

V: Fucking dammit ugh how are we gonna capture her if she has friends.

F: we could always get more ally's to help make a team to stop her friends.

G: I like the sound of that will get started of that soon as for now thx for the help roadhog will be in contact again soon.

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