Part 5 The truth?

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*As Trops team were just finishing unpacking from there fun day at the beach they all notice a mysterious letter and a video player which they all decided to see what the mysterious video is about once they hit they who appears is a mysterious woman that no one knows about but seems familiar to one of the members The woman introduces herself as V and she has some very interesting news to share*

V: Hello there team tropical My name is Val or you can call me V you may have someone i know which is the girl called Rox.

*they all turn to rox which she shrugs her head showing she doesn't know who this person is and they continue to watch the video and which V explains what happened in the lab.

V: if you were wondering what happen to the lab the cause was rox she was the cause.

*they all stare at rox but then back to the video showing the security cameras of val and other members there looking at rox in the cell they were saying how she is harmful and dangerous and they were gonna punish her for what happened before the hole prison life then all of a sudden rox yelled leave me alone as they were getting closed to her and the next that happened a shock wave sent everyone fly in the lap which Val and the others decided to retreat while rox was pasted out then the video stopped and val starting talking.

Val: So rox your new friends know the truth and I like to make a proposition with them if they return you to Me and the rest of my friends they will be rewarded handsomely and such I'll let them figure out the idea goodbye for now roxy *the video ends.

*As they sit there thinking rox is panicking and afraid no one notices yet but she runs away from her friends and the base they try to stop but she was to fast and slick they look at her running away crying afraid and scared.

Trop: this isn't good there gonna find her we have to find her.

Phos: will but how do we all feel about the truth about her?

Satin: Shocked and surprised no words 

Rose,Blu,Love,Bayls: Same.

Trop: I'm gonna try and locate her who's with me?

Phos: I'm in.

Satin: Sadly i need some time to think about this and visit someone.

Bayls: Same i need to visit a old mentor.

Love: I need to think as well sharpen my skills.

Blu: I'll try and help but i need to visit Lucio

Rose: I need time to think as wells good luck though.

*As the group all has plans to deal with recent news Trop's is alright with this and wishes the best for all of them as they begin to head different ways Bayls takes a small jet to visit his mentor Zenyatta in Nepal as Bayls just arrived he sensed something and quickly goes to find him*

Bayls: Master where are you *runs to through to eventually find him* Master i'm here and ready to help.

As Bayls leaps through the air and steps in front of his master to protect him from Sombra and Widowmaker and talon as the fighting is about start the talon solders make there move and Bayls but he deflects there bullets back at them as zen helps his student by throwing him a harmony orb as the guards are defeated Widowmaker aims directly for Zenyatta she shoots which Bayls is able to delfect it back at widow but she use her grapple to move away to higher ground while sombra goes and attacks which he able to fend off but Bayls helps and widow launches a venom mine and Bayls gets hit by it but zen is able to give the healing he need and now zen shoots a discord orb at Widowmaker while Bayls fights Sombra. He's able to chase her around and land some blows and she's able to as well cause Bayls some pain which he quickly destroys Sombra's trans locator and cause her to regroup with Widowmaker and Bayls joins his master with his dragon ball ready he use it and rushes forward at the while use his tranquility to protect this cause sombra and Widowmaker to retreat and leave in there jet once the dust settles Bayls and Zenyatta talk and he treats Bayls.

Zen: thank you for saving me Bayls i'm sorry you were hurt.

Bayls: don't worry master i'm fine just a bit sore but i came cause i need your guidance once again *he tells his master what happened* what do i do i feel angry confused.

Zen: that is a lot my student well i will help you with the trouble let us begin the lesson in breathing.

*the two then being the training in mediation while the others are seen doing there own thing rose work on something and processing love looking for someone and satin going to speak to  mentor of his and Blu looking for Lucio and Trop and his office look through notes and Phos training as the group are figuring out what to do there all processing what to do.

*Meanwhile Rox is in some city wandering the streets scared alone not knowing where to go or who to trust but she doesn't know that a member of talon is watching her moves the member is Moira who is seen watching the camera of the street and studying her movement reaper then walks in watching as well.

Moira: she's weak we could grab her and give her to that group for a higher reward.

Reaper: we should wait for Widowmaker and Sombra to return and figure out a plan we would get caught in the open plus here friend found out about her past so who knows also Widowmaker and Sombra mission failed.

*As the two discus we can see another group talking as well*

Val: we sent the message now we wait.

F: she could have left ask talon if they found her yet.

Val: of course will find you rox and you will pay.

(Hope you guys enjoyed i wanna do each part a sorta solo mission for Team trop thank you for the support More will come soon)

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