Controlled? Part 11

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 *As we see rox in the cell at the team v's base we see Her being let out and walking to lab where as she enters she see's a suit with wings that red,white and black with a skull mask on as Space there top Scientists grabs the mask and put its on rox's face as soon as the mask is put on here its starts to alter her mind and as she tries to take it off she held down while her mind is now under full control by team r.*

Space: It finally works she will be are weapon and nothing can stops us lets get here into the suit.

*As rox is standing there while they get her suit ready. On the outside she now shows no emotion but on the inside her mind she is crying and trying to break free but she can't all she can is just stare at the ground in her mind but as she gives up someone is walking to her its a blonde women as she gets down to rox's level she gives her a hug and tells her everything is gonna be okay.*

Val: This is great she will be the perfect weapon.

*Meanwhile At Team Z Base*

Phos: I don't know where rox is but were gonna get her back and take Team V even though it only three of us we can do it we owe it rox to save her.

Rose: Right love and I are ready we trained from are mentors and we can do it but the where are they is the question wait someone is outside the base.

*As the gang are seeing it is how's outside they find out its Members of Talon at the door*

Moria: Before you attack us we just wanna talk and give you information about your friend rox.

Sombra: we know where they are and what Val is planning.

*As Moira and Sombra and satin are let in Team z find out why satin is with talon but for no they have bigger issue to tackle*

Sombra: So they have this device that is controlling your friend rox but there is a way to break her free with this *hands z a glove and a USB* you only have one shot with you need to get close to rox in order fully break her free it will be dangerous but its the only way.

Moria: Also Takes these *hands them A blaster, a halo and wings* you may not know this but mercy and rox are one and those belonged to mercy they react to rox so you maybe able to find her please if you find her i would like to see her again.

*as the news shocks z and her friends they all nod and are given the location to Val's base as the member's of talon leave satin looks back at his friends and waves goodbye with a bit of guilt he can't help but as the nephew of the boss of talon. As there ship is leaving Z is Sitting outside watching the sunset she wonders if she will every see rox. while Love and rose are training and preparing for anything to happen There toughest mission is coming operation save rox.

Thank you all for waiting for the next part.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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