The sword and The bow part 7.

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*As the Topicals team member's went the separate ways We see love walk through Hanamura look around the sites and people its seems his trying to find someone but who all of a sudden a arrow is shot by him and he looks at the direction to see his mentor Hanzo waiting for him. Love jumps and wall climbs up to greet his mentor after not visiting for so long Love did have a reason for coming here he wanted to get better with the bow.

Love: Master Hanzo is good to see you again I'm sorry i havent visited  you for awhile but something important has happened i need your training to get better at the bow.

Hanzo: Well it is good to my student getting sharper every time of course i will teach you the ways of my bow if your ready follow me.

*As the two head off to the mountain to train love is faced with many challenges in archer but he gets back up every time and keeps trying. His first training is learning to not stand still and aim with the bow which is a bit tricky but he is doing well while dodging from Hanzo's arrows they spend a lot of days up in the mountain. Hanzo see's the determination in his student and he wants to be the best which he is almost there but something he can sense something else is wrong which he tries to talk to him out.

Hanzo: my student you seemed distracted what is the matter?

Love: A friend of ours is missing and were worried she may get captured by a evil group or talon we found some stuff about her and then she ran away. We all went are separate ways to process the information about our friend rox but once I'm ready i will head back to the base and help trop.

Hanzo: well i do hope you find your friend but your next task is to face me and prove your ready.

*As the two get ready to fight each other both of them shoot a arrow which love quickly fire's back with another one and then Hanzo charges his storm arrow which quickly counts but grabbing his sword and shooting it at the arrow's impressing Hanzo. As Love climbs the wall he see's Hanzo rapid firing arrows at reach loves returns fire causing Hanzo to dodge and return fire and love to jump up and dodge both are fighting so hard but Hanzo has a trick up his sleeve as Hanzo shoots a bunch of arrows at love to distract him while he charges his dragon strike and when love notices he quickly charges his bow and his sword and launches it at the same time as Hanzo shoots his dragon strike cause them to merge and create a burst of snow in the arrow when snow clears we see Hanzo defeated by love.

Hanzo: you did it my student I'm proud of you are ready to save your friend.

Love: thank you master i will find rox and help her but what about you master why dont you join me?

Hanzo: i guess i could and show how strong i am alright let us move forward my student.

*As the two head back to the ship Meanwhile in the city we see a omnaic and a girl*

???: Answer who are you

*Rox was not able to answer the omnaic but tried to tell them she can't speak and that she wasnt gonna hurt them*

???: So you can't speak huh never meet a human before who couldn't do that well then my name is Ramattra I'm the leader of null sector and i hate humans.

*Once Rox knew who he was she felt sad for him due to how omnic were treated but Ramattra let his guard and Rox walked up to him and tired to give him a hug letting him know that she is sorry for what he went through as well know the pain after the hug was complete Ramattra felt confused he felt kindness and decide to let the rox stay close to him and get her so rest which he didnt say.

Ramattra: Fine then Follow me and I'll take you somewhere so you can get some rest and food.

*Meanwhile Talon was watching through a hacked security cameras by Sombra. 

Sombra: So She is with the Leader of null sector interesting maybe we can speak with him about getting her or have doomfist talk to him.

Reaper: we could just fight him and take her or idea anyone else have ideas *Reaper turns to Moira who seems distracted* He Moira you listing.

Moira: Huh sorry i was just looking at something i cant put my finger but that Rox girl looks familiar but why could she be.

Hope you all enjoy part 7 of my story things are getting interesting.

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