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Travis Martinez; the redeemable — able to be recovered or saved from faults or bad aspects

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Travis Martinez; the redeemable — able to be recovered or saved from faults or bad aspects.

At first, there was no denying it, Travis despised Kalista Matthews, everything about her, he couldn't stand her. No matter what she did, she found a way to be insanely irritating and he felt his anger increase around her — as well as his blood pressure. If somebody would have told pre crash Travis that she'd become one of the closest people to him, as well as changing his attitude for the better, he would've laughed in their face and called them out for their bullshit.

There was no denying it, he was a sexist prick (as she had told him many many times) but she'd changed that and made him realise how much better it was not to be like that. Late night talks they'd share together when everyone else was sleeping made him realise how similar they were, both two siblings wanting to protect their siblings from whatever life threw at them. They'd had a conversation one night that started with when I first met you, I honestly thought you were the biggest bitch. Then from there they became closer and closer, confiding into one another with things you would share only to family.

As cheesy as it was to say, they'd become that. Travis saw this girl as his sister and he felt for her what he felt for Javi. Once they'd become closer he'd noticed small things about her, like how she'd dig her nails into her palm when she tried to keep herself calm, how she'd play with her necklace when anxious and how she'd laugh a little too loud whenever Natalie made an unfunny joke.

There was no denying it, she was deeply crushing on the girl and apparently everyone but her could see that. A part of him wanted to tease her for it, remind her she couldn't date until she was like fifty, but he saw how happy they made each other. Such as now, as he watched Natalie's eyes seeking out for her. There was panic clear in them and he couldn't deny it, he was curious about what she was doing.

Natalie finally found the girl she'd been looking for and walked over to her, with such uncertainty shining her eyes, a look Travis had never seen in her. It was almost unnatural the way she was so panicked and fearful. Grabbing onto the girl's hand, she mumbled something he couldn't hear and led her into one of the rooms that wasn't preoccupied. He reminded himself to ask her about it later, following the others to help them prepare supplies.

     "Hey, what's wrong?" Kalista asked as the door closed behind Natalie, she'd noticed the girl's state, there was panic written all over it. She wanted to know what had caused such a reaction, she wanted to help her.

       "Don't go with her, please." Natalie practically begged, her words full of so much emotion that it overwhelmed Kalista. "It's insanely selfish to ask you to do such a thing and I'm all for you doing what you thinks best, but, please. I can't bare the thought that you're out there, alive or not, and I'm here, completely unaware if you're breathing."

      A tense silence followed at the girls stared at one another, neither sure what to say after this announcement. Kalista had made her mind up and she was sure nothing could sway her but this, maybe something could sway her. Hearing such pleads leave her lips made her reconsider, was it worth it? Would she prolong her life further and wait for it to end or would she quicken up her mortality in a feeble attempt to extend it.

       "I just want you to stay, here," Natalie swallowed harshly as she looked down at the floor, "with me." When more silence followed, she laughed uncertainly, sure she'd just ruined everything. "I mean, do you really want to leave me to hunt deers on my own, with nothing but Travis for company?"

       "Of course not," Kalista whispered, a soft laugh following as the girl looked up, thankful she'd said something, that silence was excruciating. "So, you want me to stay?"

      "Yeah, I do." Natalie reaffirmed, her lips upturning at the girl.

      "Fine, I'll stay." Kalista nodded, watching her smile grow wider. "You're doing my turn of emptying the bucket though."

      "Of course." Natalie exclaimed happily, practically throwing herself into the girl's arms as she laughed, enthusiastically gripping onto her. Kalista laughed but relaxed into her embrace nonetheless, it felt safe here, as if nothing could reach out and get its clasp on the two.

       Nothing could harm them as long as they were together.


       Saying goodbye to someone you know may not be returning is not an easy task for anyone to do. Knowing that this may be the last hug you share, the last laughter you will share, the last smiles you will share. It's upsetting to know that all the little moments you took for granted, you may never be met with a moment to do them ever. It's like a death sentence you're signing them up for, no way out of it. No more late nights talking until the sun came up about nothing and everything, no more laughing until everyone's lungs hurt, no more teasing one another to no end, no more anything's...

      "Stay safe out there, you hear me," Kalista mumbled into Taissa's shoulder as she listened to the girl mumble out a confirmation, "By the way, I love your hair."

      "Thank you." Taissa laughed as they pulled apart. She had wanted a change and that's what she went with, cutting off her locks and opting for a short look. There was no denying it suited her and she believed shorter hair was made for the girl.

      Before she could say anything further, they watched with matching expressions of amusements as Misty ran out of the cabin. Announcing to Coach Ben that she was going with them, it all seemed to click to Kalista. Why out of everyone would she tell Coach Ben not to talk her out of it, unless...

      Sharing a bemused look with Natalie, they watched as their Coach fumbled on what to say and Kalista had to bite her tongue, forcing herself not to laugh. When he finally got out a response, they continued their goodbyes and watched as they departed on what they all knew was a suicide mission. Hope was down to a small strand, no one was going to deny it, there was no chance they were going to come back unharmed.

       However, watching them actually go made it all too real and Kalista was suddenly met with the realisation that maybe there was no escape from the Wilderness.

      They probably weren't ever going to leave this place, alive.


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