𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗦𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗲𝗻

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Against her better judgment, Kalista had fallen asleep, leaving the two drugged people alone to speak to one another. Her head rest in Natalie's lap and the girl kept running her fingers through her hair as she spoke to Coach Ben, finding herself comforted through whatever ride she was going through. The topic of discussion was love, Ben sharing his thoughts on the matter while Natalie laughed at him, claiming the entire thing was idiotic and stupid.

"Natalie, love is everything." Coach Ben confirmed and the girl merely rose her brow at him. "Don't tell me you don't feel it when you're with her." He motioned to the girl in her lap. "It may not be love, yet, admiration, like, happiness, it's all the same thing. You feel it though, Natalie, it's the whole reason we are. You have to tell her about it, what are you waiting for?"

"You're right, I should tell her." Natalie shook the girl slightly as Ben shook his head at her.

"Not here, somewhere romantic." Ben told her and she nodded, mumbling some excuse to Kalista as she dragged the barely awake girl through the forest excitedly, ready to share how she felt. "Their love will save us all." He spoke to himself, dropping onto the dirt happily with a smile tugging at his lips.

"Can you at least tell me where we are going?" Kalista complained, her body barely awake and not prepared for this sudden athletic situation.

"I will when we get there." Natalie called back as she kept her hand tightly intertwined with her friend's, leading the way through the forest until she found whatever she had been looking for.

Both paused suddenly when they heard a distant cry of help, along with the faint banging of a door. The duo shared a look, unsure what was going on, why was someone screaming. Immediately, Kalista's mind went to a range of different scenarios, all more bone chilling than the next. Misty had drugged them, who knows what the other girls were up to right now. As they slowly continued their way through the forest, this time more cautious of their surroundings, they heard the voice again.

"Was that fucking Jackie?" Kalista asked Natalie as the girl nodded in confirmation, Jackie was screaming for help. Running towards the cabin, they followed the faint screaming and unlocked the door to the pantry to reveal a scared Jackie. "What happened, why are you screaming?"

Saying nothing out of fear, Jackie pushed past the two girls and ran, immediately forcing the other two to trail after her. As they ran, Jackie explained what was going on when she realised Kalista wasn't affected like the others. It made her sick to know that they'd all done such a thing to Travis and she prayed they got there in time. She couldn't bare to imagine what had happened to the boy, what was going to happen to him if they don't get there quickly.

Running as fast as she could, she followed the sound of deranged animal calls and found where the group were. Stood around a fire, she noticed her sister first, wearing what looked like bloody antlers atop her head. Beside her stood Shauna, knife in hand as she tilted her head at Travis, looking at him as if he was prey. It unsettled her deeply but not as much as the sight of Travis, tied to a pole with panic shining in his irises as he begged for an escape.

"Stop it!" Kalista called out as she noticed Shauna leaning the knife towards the boy, inches away from slitting Travis' throat, her knife positioned and her eyes daring. "What the fuck are you going?"

"What the fuck?" Natalie voiced, suddenly sobering up at the sight before her, what was wrong with these girls?

"Move out of my way." Kalista spat at Shauna, pulling her back as she fumbled against the ropes they had bound Travis to.

"Nat, get the knife." Jackie exclaimed as she watched Shauna drop it in a panic while Kalista looked at Travis with pity in her eyes.

"Are you okay?" She whispered and he shook his head, unsure what had happened to him, nor what had caused such scene.

As Natalie dove for the knife, Lottie pushed her way towards it and Kalista snapped her eye's towards her sister. It seemed Natalie had won the battle, holding the knife out threateningly to warn them to back up. While she was preoccupied with the sudden threat of her sister, she failed to notice Travis running through the forest to get as far away as possible from the girl's he truly believed had gone psychotic.

When she looked from the place Travis had been stood to where Natalie and her sister was, she noticed their proximity, Lottie whispering something harshly under her breath. It tipped Natalie over the edge as she placed her hands on the girl's shoulders, pushing her back into the dirt beneath her.

"That's enough of your weird fucking bullshit, Lottie." Natalie exclaimed as the girl looked up at her from the ground. "Haven't you done enough?"

Lottie merely said nothing and laughed manically, shining a new light on her for her sister to see. Kalista frowned as she looked at the girl before her, this girl wasn't her sister, this was someone else. The girl before her was unrecognisable and Kalista couldn't watch this any longer.

Following in the direction that Travis had gone, Kalista set off, she didn't care where she ended up, she couldn't cope any longer. Natalie hurried after her, the sound of Lottie's laughter reverberating in her mind and making her wince. Eventually, the girl managed to catch up to her and walked by her side, both too caught up in their minds to speak, neither sure what they'd just witnessed.

They were unsure how they were going to look at the other girl's the same after what they'd seen.

"That wasn't Lottie." Kalista mumbled, as if she was trying to convince herself of this. "I know my sister and that wasn't her."

"Drugs don't make people do that, Kali." Natalie told her softly but Kalista's eyes whipped to her.

"I know my fucking sister, okay?" Kalista's tone was harsher and Natalie jumped slightly. "That wasn't her. It was the drugs."

Kalista was unable to tell who she was convincing, herself or Natalie. Either way, it wasn't going very well as her voice broke as she repeated the same sentence over and over again. Maybe if she said it enough times she'd believed it as well, believe that everyone had been wrong about her sister, she wasn't psychotic, it was just the drugs that drove her towards that.

It was the drugs that made her do it.


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