𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗙𝗼𝘂𝗿

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       As a way to distract their minds, the girls hosted a baby shower for Shauna, spending their time making gifts out of twigs and any spare fabric they could find. Kalista sat on the side of the room as everyone began presenting their gifts. There were normal-ish ones and then Misty burst into performance, unsettling most of the group. Locking eyes with Natalie from across the room, she brought her hand to her head and spun it, motioning to the phrase they were commonly associated with: crazy.

     They still had not spoken about the kiss and it was driving Kalista insane, ranting to Travis when everyone had gone to sleep. If he heard the same rambling one more time he swore he was going to lock them in the attic together and force them to work it out. Whenever they saw one another and decided this was the time they were going to talk about it, someone arrived and pulled them apart, needing help with a chore. 

      When more time passed by, Kalista had thought every scenario over, all the different outcomes of the kiss. It led to her overthinking every look, every conversation they had shared, every laugh that had been shared. All she wanted to do was ask Natalie what it had meant, was it just the moment or was it something more? 

      With all the gifts handed to Shauna, the other girls either went to bed or finished some last minute tasks. Lottie moved to sit beside her sister and she frowned, noticing she seemed a million miles away.

     "What's up with you?" Lottie mumbled softly as the girl rest her head on her shoulder tiredly.

     "Just thinking." Kalista whispered, exhaustion hitting her, she had got very little sleep over the past weeks.

      "About?" Lottie pressed, smiling at the cherry clip that sat loosely in her sister's hair.

       "You remember the symbol we saw around the woods and cabin," Kalista suddenly spoke, recalling the odd drawing they had seen, taking it as a threat, something that was used for the bad, "what if we looked at it differently. It could be like a pentagram, people connect it to satanic uses but it was used as a protection against evil. What if the people before us used it as that, a symbol of hope, help, protection?"

     Lottie smiled, looking at her sister with a nod as she thought about what she was saying. "I was thinking that too." She replied before sitting up straighter. "I have an idea."

     Explaining nothing more, the girl hurried away, leaving her sister with many unanswered questions. It was not until the next day did she discover what the girl had done when she had left. It was just after dinner, she had approached Shauna with a blanket, stating it was for the baby. When the girl opened the blanket, they all saw the various symbols etched into the cotton, shocking all of them.

     Once they discovered what she had done, they became opposed to it, stating that they could not use the symbol when they did not understand it truly. As usual, an argument broke out but it was only silenced when thuds hit their ears, something hitting the roof and then bouncing straight off it. Mutual looks of fear and anxiety was shared before they pulled open the cabin's door and went to investigate.

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