𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆 𝗢𝗻𝗲

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     Shivering from the winter chill that ran around the cabin, Kalista moved closer to Natalie, as if they could conserve heat together. A blanket was shared between the two, wrapped around their legs although it did little against the harsh temperatures that bit at any surface of their skin that was not covered by clothing. Even breathing caused clouds of smoke to echo their words, travelling into nothingness.

    They were all eating dinner, their resources running low but nobody was ready to voice their concerns, scared it would cause another argument amongst them. There was one person absent from dinner once again, Shauna. She was in the shed once again, pretending as if Jackie was still alive, as if nothing had happened. 

     "Maybe one of you should go out and get her." Coach Ben proposed the idea to the other girls, concerned with the Shipman girl. 

      "Shauna is not worth getting frostbite, so pass." Kalista announced, pulling the blanket closer to her while Ben shot her a warning look.

    Saying nothing, Taissa slammed her bowl against the table beside her. Standing up, she made it to the door when Lottie spoke up, seemingly being the one to act the most understandingly about Shauna's mental state.

     "Don't," Lottie announced, shaking her head as she looked down at her food, "she'll come when she's ready."

      "You make it sound like she's doing her homework, Lot." Taissa sarcastically retorted, whirling around to face the girl. 

     "She's processing and she needs our support." Lottie spoke calmly, her voice soft. "I think it is healthy.

     "So healthy." Natalie's words were filled with sarcasm, sick of everyone remaining ignorant to what was happening. "Everyone who's seven months pregnant should risk getting pneumonia by staying up half the night chatting with their dead best friend."

      "She is just pushing past grieving, that is not healthy, Lottie." Kalista agreed with Natalie, her hands slightly shaking from the cold nipping at them. "All she is doing is setting back her emotions and one day it is all going to hit her and we are going to be the ones she lashes out on."

      "It's not fair, we are always waiting on her." Misty added in, they had to spend most nights waiting to eat because Shauna decided she was too busy speaking to her dead best friend rather than coming back into the cabin.

     "Well, maybe we should just eat hers tonight." Mari proposed the idea, irritation lacing her words. "That'll get her to move her ass."

       "No one is eating Shauna's food." Taissa snapped, immediately shutting down the idea.

      All eyes turned to Lottie and Kalista almost scoffed, why was everyone suddenly interested in what her sister had to say, who decided she was the leader suddenly?

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