𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗧𝘄𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘆

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       Just before the fatal crash, they had a party in the woods to celebrate their victory, they were going to Nationals. None of them were aware what their futures held, too focused on their achievement, they had done it and so they deserved such a celebration. Drinks were shared as they broke off into groups, a strange hostility still in the air. There was still tension from the practice session they had earlier, some arguments still not being resolved fully. 

     Jackie noticed an argument breaking out and she called all the girls together, demanding they work through the obvious distaste they held for one another. With a small compliment 'game', their friendships were somewhat on the road to repair. Kalista admired that about Jackie, she always had a talent in bringing people together. She was a true leader to them and nobody could fill her role like how she had.

      During the game, a very high Natalie had told Kalista she looked pretty and the fairy sitting on her shoulder was in love with her. The girl had laughed, looking at her shoulder consciously, scared there may actually be something there. With that, she ran away, going to go and see what she had seen by some trees. Kalista watched her go with an amused smile tugging at her lips, shaking her head as her attention shifted to Jackie, the girl grabbing her hand and forcing her to dance with her.

       That was how her night seemed to blend away, a drunken blur of intoxication. There were small portions of the night she could recall, alike Jackie pouring vodka into her mouth when she asked for a drink or Lottie almost falling when they tried to sneak into the house. It was true that the ability to be discreet was not a talent the Matthews siblings seemed to possess. With a broken lamp and a smashed plate later, they were in Lottie's bed, not even bothering to get changed or even go under the blanket. Side by side, they fell into a deep slumber, the promise of nationals playing on their minds as they shut their eyes.

     Such carelessness, such freedom, it was all gone now. Those same girls she had danced with at the party were now dead or close to it, starvation creeping closer and closer. Kalista was envious of those who had passed away at the plane, they escaped it all. They did not have to witness the girls all turn on one another, they didn't have to burry those close to them. A part of her begged her time to come closer and closer, that ticking clock needed to hurry up.

       Some days she found herself sat by the window, staring into nothing as she begged the Grim Reaper to take her next. What she would do to feel her cool grip as she clutched and squeezed at her soul, taking her out of this miserable world. A single grasp at her and then the fantasy was gone, she was back in the cabin, mourning those she had lost all over again, an endless loop with more and more people being added.

       How easy it would be to just simply disappear into the afterlife...a simple wrong cut when preparing dinner, a bad aim when hunting, resulting in the bullet firing back into her heart...the options were endless. Kalista knew she couldn't act on these thoughts, no matter how bad she wanted to. Lottie would not cope with her sister leaving her, she would turn to the darkness completely, surrendering as if it wasn't even a thought to reconsider.

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