Chapter 20

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Jason was grumbling his bedroom doing his homework to get his mind off of what had happened downstairs. The argument that he had with Bruce. 'Stupid asshole doesn't even understand what it's like to have nothing, then be given something that seems like everything to them.' The young boy thought and snarls as he snapped his pencil he was using because of the excessive pressure his grip had when he held it. Sighing, he threw his pencil into the bin and went to get a new one.

When Jason got back to his seat, his phone lights up with a new video being uploaded onto an anonymous website. Frowning, he clicked onto the link that seemed to be sent all over Gotham City but was hidden for most. So the young raven concluded that this video was a secret message, but for who? 'Probably, batman, but Bruce only dawns the cowl at night, everyone knows that the night is where the bat mostly works at and aren't even bold enough to dare go out in the light of day. So who would this be and who for?' Jason questioned and frowns as he soon began to watch the video.

To his horror, it was for him as Robin and that it was from Joker.

"What does that phyco want now?!" He almost yells in rage, luckily, that the rooms in the Manor are all soundproof for Bruce's daily hookups. Though soon his question was answered when he saw that Dick had been kidnapped and Joker spoke up, "Come pick up your kitty Robin boy Hahaha HAHAHAHA!" The video soon blacked out was an echo of loud laughter stunning Jason and terrifying him at the same time. "Oh my god, what have you done?" He asked himself and gulps, knowing he was the cause of the older raven getting taken by the Joker. 'But wait, he called Dick kitty...'


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